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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Improved Parton Distributions from the Quark Model

SD Bass, A Schreiber, AW Thomas and JT Londergan

Australian Journal of Physics 44(4) 363 - 368
Published: 1991


There has recently been significant progress in the calculation of the twist-two piece of the quark/parton distributions corresponding to models like the MIT bag. However, in evaluating the required matrix elements of the quark field operators Signal and Thomas (1988, 1989) resorted to the Peierls-Yoccoz (1957) approximation-albeit with some cautionary remarks. We point out a problem with that approach which is solved by using the Peierls-Thouless (1962) approximation for the hadronic states. The very simple case of a nonrelativistic constant density quark wavefunction is solved in detail.

© CSIRO 1991

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