Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 53 Number 2 2000
PH99009Some implications of the gravitomagnetic field in fractal spacetime theory.
M. Agop, H. Matsuzawa, I. Oprea, R. Vlad, C. Sandu and C. Gh. Buzea
pp. 217-230
PH99022Some properties of the world crystal in fractal spacetime theory.
M. Agop, I. Oprea, C. Sandu, R. Vlad, C. Gh. Buzea and H. Matsuzawa
pp. 231-240
PH98111Hybrid model for drift waves in fully three-dimensional plasmas: Theory and applications.
J. L. V. Lewandowski
pp. 259-287
PH99001Stability of a modulated ion acoustic wave in a magnetised plasma.
Md. Khurshed Alam and A. Roy Chowdhury
pp. 289-298