Some implications of the gravitomagnetic field in fractal spacetime theory.
M. Agop, H. Matsuzawa, I. Oprea, R. Vlad, C. Sandu and C. Gh. Buzea
Australian Journal of Physics
53(2) 217 - 230
Published: 2000
In a fractal spacetime, the absence of a gravitational Meissner effect is thought of as ordering space as a crystal, at both a microscopic and a macroscopic scale. A gravitational Meissner effect keeps a wormhole open and penetrable and, in the same context, a gravitational superconductor levitates in an external gravitomagnetic field, an external gravitomagnetic field induces quantised vortices in a gravitational superconductor and gravitational rotons in a superfluid, and the planetary systems are self-organised as superconducting structures.
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