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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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A Comparison of Spectroscopic Models of Low Excitation 2+ States in 24Mg and 28Si from Inelastic Proton Scattering

K Amos, P Nesci and I Morrison

Australian Journal of Physics 33(3) 495 - 504
Published: 1980


Distorted wave approximation analyses of the inelastic scattering of 49·5 MeV protons from 24Mg and 28Si are used to compare 2 + transition densities that were obtained from a standard shell model, deformed potential models and an SU(3) model of the low excitation spectroscopy of these nuclei. Analysing power predictions do not reproduce the data adequately, and the discrepancies indicate a deficiency in the prescription for the transition mechanism.

© CSIRO 1980

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