Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 33 Number 3 1980
Mohammad Saleem, Fazal-e Aleem and Mujahid Kamran
pp. 481-486
PH800487Is Nuclear Physics the Molecular Physics of Coloured Quarks?
Geoffrey Freeman and Bruce HJ McKellar
pp. 487-494
PH800495A Comparison of Spectroscopic Models of Low Excitation 2+ States in 24Mg and 28Si from Inelastic Proton Scattering
K Amos, P Nesci and I Morrison
pp. 495-504
PH800505Electric Quadrupole Excitation of the First Excited State of 11B
MP Fewell, RH Spear, TH Zabel and AM Baxter
pp. 505-508
PH800509Static Quadrupole Moment of the First Excited State of 28Si
RH Spear and MP Fewell
pp. 509-516
PH800517The Drift Velocity of Electrons in Carbon Dioxide at Temperatures between 193 and 573 K
MT Elford and GN Haddad
pp. 517-530
PH800531Parametric Instabilities in a Magnetized and Collisional Plasma
DR Phalswal and Anil Dube
pp. 531-538
PH800539A Study of Centre-fed Antiphase Circular Antennas in a Warm Plasma
KR Soni and CL Arora
pp. 539-548
PH800549A Two-accelerator Facility and Its Use for Radiation Damage Studies in Alkali Halides
CS Newton and HJ Hay
pp. 549-560
PH800601Velocity Measurement with Speckle and Speckle-like Photography
PL Baker, F Ninio, GJ Troup and R Bryant
pp. 601-600
PH800639Survey of OH Masers at 1665 and 1667 MHz. I. Galactic Longitudes 326° to 40°
JL Caswell, RF Haynes and WM Goss
pp. 639-672