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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Articles citing this paper

An Analytic Distorted Wave Approximation for Intermediate Energy Proton Scattering

F Di Marzio and K Amos
36(2) pp.135 - 154

5 articles found in Crossref database.

An analytic distorted wave approximation for kaon induced nuclear reactions
Di Marzio F., Amos K.
Physics Letters B. 1985 153(1-2). p.13
Analytic distorted wave approximation for pion scattering from nuclei
Di Marzio F., Amos K.
Physical Review C. 1985 31(2). p.561
Microscopic analyses of antiproton scattering in the analytic distorted wave approximation
di Marzio F., Amos K.
Nuclear Physics A. 1986 454(3-4). p.453
An analytic distorted wave approximation for antiproton-nucleus scattering
Amos K., Marzio F.
Zeitschrift f�r Physik A Atoms and Nuclei. 1985 322(1). p.137
Analytic distorted wave approximation for kaon-nucleus interactions
Amos K., Di Marzio F.
Physical Review C. 1984 29(5). p.1914
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