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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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An Analytic Distorted Wave Approximation for Intermediate Energy Proton Scattering

F Di Marzio and K Amos

Australian Journal of Physics 36(2) 135 - 154
Published: 1983


An analytic distorted wave approximation (ADWA) has been developed for use in analyses of intermediate energy inelastic proton scattering from nuclei. Applications are made to analyse 402 and 800 MeV data from the isoscalar and isovector 1 + and 2+ states in 12C and to the 800 MeV data from the excitation of the 2-(8·88 MeV) state in 160. Comparisons of predictions made using different model two-nucleon t matrices and different models of nuclear structure are given.

© CSIRO 1983

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