Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 1 Number 1 1994
PC930003Research challenges and opportunities in the Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area
William F. Laurance
pp. 3-6
PC930006Ecocolonialism and indigenous knowledge systems: village controlled rainforest preserves in Samoa
Paul Alan Cox and Thomas Elmqvist
pp. 6-13
PC930013The conservation of Leadbeater's Possum in southeastern Australia and the Northern Spotted Owl in the Pacific north-west of the USA; management issues, strategies and lessons
David B. Lindenmayer and Tony W. Norton
pp. 13-18
PC930021Biological diversity of micro-organisms: an Australian perspective
Margaret M. Roper
pp. 21-28
PC930029Can revegetation assist in the conservation of biodiversity in agricultural areas?
Richard J. Hobbs
pp. 29-38
PC930039A framework for the improved management of threatened species based on Population Viability Analysis (PVA)
H. P. Possingham, D. B. Lindenmayer and T. W. Norton
pp. 39-45
PC930046Genetic variation in the greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis)
Richard Southgate and Mark Adams
pp. 46-52
PC930058Genetic variation in fragmented populations of an Australian rainforest rodent, Melomys cervinipes
Luke K.-P. Leung, Chris R. Dickman and Leslie A. Moore
pp. 58-65
PC930066Declines in populations of Australia's endemic tropical rainforest frogs
Stephen J. Richards, Keith R. McDonald and Ross A. Alford
pp. 66-77
PC930077Predictable effects of agricultural development on the long-term availability of hollows for animals: observations from the Western Australian wheatbelt
Max Abensperg-Traun and Graeme T. Smith
pp. 77-79