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Pacific Conservation Biology Pacific Conservation Biology Society
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Macrofungi of Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve, Western Australia

K. Syme A , T. Lebel B * and R. N. Hilton C
+ Author Affiliations
- Author Affiliations

A Independent Consultant. Email:

B Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium of South Australia, Department for Environment and Water, Hackney Road, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia.

C Formerly of University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia.

* Correspondence to:

Deceased, 20 June 2012. R. N. Hilton was the sole contributor to the original version of this paper.

Handling Editor: Mike Calver

Pacific Conservation Biology 31, PC24091
Submitted: 27 November 2024  Accepted: 9 December 2024  Published: 6 January 2025

© 2025 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing



Although fungi are an integral part of the environment, little is known about the diversity of macrofungi in the south-coast region of Western Australia.


We summarise the results of macrofungi surveys conducted over the past four decades and highlight some of the rare and interesting taxa from the Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve.


We used herbarium records, Fungimap observations, and the results of several surveys (1991–1992, 1998–1999, 2006–2007, 2020), to compile a list of the macrofungi found in different locations and major habitats in the Reserve. Names have been updated to reflect modern taxonomic knowledge/classifications.

Key results

A total of 196 formally named species of macrofungi representing 144 genera from 58 families are reported. Ten species have been described based on material collected in the Reserve. The Inocybaceae (56 collections, 25 species) and Amanitaceae (149 collections, 20 species) were the most diverse families due to significant recent taxonomic work. The diversity in Cortinariaceae, Russulaceae, Boletaceae, and Entolomataceae was under-represented. The rare green Amanita austroviridis, and hypogeal Elaphomyces chlorocarpus and E. symeae are known from fewer than six herbarium records, most from the Reserve.


Due to the cryptic nature of many sporocarps and highly seasonal fruiting patterns, we believe the list provided here is perhaps 40% of the actual diversity present in the Reserve.


The presence of rare species, and high number of undescribed, but likely novel species in diverse lineages, supports the need for further investigation of the macrofungal diversity in the Reserve.

Keywords: Amanitaceae, diversity, endemism, fungal survey, Inocybaceae, mycophagy, rare, Russulaceae, sequestrate fungi, taxonomy, truffle-like.


Fungi are found everywhere in the environment, where they play a crucial role in maintaining healthy ecosystems. Fungi have three basic life modes: they are saprotrophs, symbionts, or parasites. The saprotrophic fungi (rotters) break down organic matter such as wood and leaf litter. Symbionts, such as mycorrhizal fungi, form a mutually beneficial (mycorrhizal) partnership with more than 90% of plant families, a role which involves the exchange of minerals, water and carbohydrates (Brundrett et al. 1996; Tommerup and Bougher 1999). Lichens form mutually beneficial partnerships with green algae and cyanobacteria. Parasites derive their nutrients from other living organisms; in the macrofungi (those large enough to see without a visual aid) parasites form the smallest of the three groups. Some fungi are facultative parasites and can survive without a host, usually as a saprotroph (Pascoe and Shipton 1996).

What we see and use for identification is the dispersal or spore bearing structure of the fungus, the sporocarps. However, the main vegetative portion of a fungus (mycelium) is composed of microscopic filaments (hyphae) that ramify through the substrate, leaking enzymes that break down organics and minerals, then absorbing nutrients and water back into the mycelium. Most of the macrofungi sporocarps we see are the above ground, or epigeous sporocarps, fruiting on soil, leaf litter or woody debris, on stems or trunks, or in the canopy of plants, and more rarely on insects. Buried at various depths (or at times emergent) are the hypogeous, truffle-like or sequestrate fungi, most of which are also mycorrhizal. Such fungi generally cannot release their spores and therefore require the assistance of vertebrates or insects for spore dispersal (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1.

Examples of different sporocarp forms. (a) Artomyces austropiperatus (coral); (b) Lactifluus flocktoniae (stalked lamellate); (c) Cortinarius luteirufescens (truffle-like or sequestrate); (d) Podoserpula pusio, the pagoda fungus; (e) Cordyceps sp. (parasitic); (f) Antrodiella citrea (bracket); (g) Poronia erici or dung buttons; (h) Geastrum sp. (puffball-earthstar) (photographs K. Syme).


Australia is estimated to have from 180,000 to 250,000 species of fungi, a number that includes 8000 to 12,000 macrofungi (Pascoe 1991; May and Wood 1997; May 2017). It is estimated that as few as 15–20 percent of Australian macrofungi are named (May and Wood 1997; Bougher and Lebel 2001; Newell et al. 2008; May 2017), so any list of fungi will necessarily contain many unknown genera and a greater number of un-named species than named ones. Prior to 2003, Western Australia was one of the few states that had a relatively recent checklist of macrofungi, for which all records were vouchered (Hilton 1982, 1988). Since then comprehensive attempts have been made to update census/checklists for other states and territories, based upon literature records and digitisation of data for holdings in state herbaria. There is now a National Species List for fungi ( and lichens (, enabling consistency in name usage and taxonomic updates to be taken up nationally.

Some fungi produce sporocarps only sporadically. Therefore, a continuous sampling over many years is necessary to gain a thorough picture of the range of species of fungi inhabiting any given area or vegetation type, together with the provision of good quality collections for herbaria. With new molecular tools enabling sampling of soil from different habitats or animal faecal pellet samples, it has become possible to generate data that reveal the diversity of fungi, past and present at a site (Bastias et al. 2006; Hughes et al. 2009) or provide insight into the diet of small mammals (Bannister et al. 2021; Hopkins et al. 2021). However, these data are highly reliant on strong taxonomic research of fungal lineages to provide backbone data for comparison. The lack of expert Australian mycologists to interpret these data continues to be an impediment. For Australia, there are very few lists of the fungi inhabiting particular sites based on repeated sampling (T. May, pers. comm. 2004; Gates et al. 2005; Robinson and Tunsell 2007; Catcheside and Catcheside 2008; Robinson et al. 2008; Catcheside et al. 2009). This has improved in the past two decades due to the establishment of the citizen science based Fungimap project in 1995, an Australia-wide mapping effort of 100 target species, followed by the formation of several regional mycological societies in Queensland (Queensland Mycological Society), Victoria (Field Naturalists Club of Victoria-Fungi Group), New South Wales (South Coast Fungi Group and Sydney Fungal Group), and South Australia (Adelaide Fungal Studies Group). The advent of iNaturalist records in the last decade has also improved recording of observational data.

Bougher et al. (1994) and May (2002) noted that as many as 75% of species of southern Western Australian (WA) macrofungi were also present in eastern Australia, and fewer than 60 endemic WA species (10%) had been identified. Most species were represented by fewer than 4–8 collections, with some known only from restricted locations. Similar relative proportions of endemic macrofungi were found for Victoria (May and Avram 1997; May 2002), but were higher for South Australia (SA), where more than 30% were considered to be endemic to that state (Grugurinovic and Simpson 2001).

Because of its unique, near-pristine state and the perceived richness of its fungi, Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve has been the focus of mycological interest since 1974, when Dr Graeme Smith (CSIRO) sent collections of fungi he discovered in the Reserve to Roger Hilton, lecturer in mycology at the Botany Department, University of Western Australia. The re-discovery of Gilbert’s potoroo (Potorous gilbertii) or Ngilgaitch (Noongar names are mainly from Knapp et al. 2024) on the Maardjitup Gurlin/Mt Gardner headland by Elizabeth Sinclair in 1994 (Sinclair et al. 1996) focused attention on the sequestrate hypogeal fungi, because of the potoroo’s specialised enlarged foregut in which pre-gastric fermentation takes place. This adaptation is believed to aid extraction of nutrients, thus enabling potoroos or rat kangaroos to thrive on a diet consisting almost solely of fungi (Christensen 1980; Claridge and Cork 1994; Claridge and May 1994; Tory et al. 1997; Vernes 2007, 2010). Soon after the re-discovery of Ngilgaitch/Gilbert’s potoroo portions of their faecal pellets were examined microscopically for evidence of fungal spores and more than 23 different taxa were identified (K. Syme, 1995 unpubl. data). In a later study of further samples, 90% of material in the pellets was found to be fungal in origin and contained about 25 spore morphotypes. Some of these matched spores from fungal specimens collected in potoroo habitat (Bougher 1998). Most spores were from basidiomycete truffle-like sporocarps and the remainder were from ascomycete or epigeous fungi.

Fungi have been recorded and/or collected at Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve by Roger Hilton, Dr Graeme Smith (CSIRO), Dr Derek Reid (Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, UK), Dr Neale Bougher (CSIRO, Perth), Professor OK Miller Jr (Blacksburg, Virginia, USA), Katrina Syme, Dr Teresa Lebel (then at the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Melbourne), Dr Elaine M. Davison, Dr Brandon Matheny (University of Tennessee, USA), and Alan Danks, with one to three collections by Linda Reinhold, Mattias Ryberg, Jennifer Tonkin, C & K Vankey, and G. & R. Byrne. The Reserve was also the focus of two 12-month mycological surveys conducted by K. Syme, with the assistance of volunteers in 1991–1992 covering most major vegetation areas and focusing on hypogeal sequestrate fungi in 1998–1999 following the re-discovery of the Ngilgaitch/Gilberts potoroo 4 years earlier. In 2020, 5 years after the 2015 wildfire, the Gilberts Potoroo Action Group employed K. Syme to conduct targeted surveys in vegetation types and habitats where potoroo activity was known. Some examples of different sites and vegetation types surveyed during these projects are shown in Figs 2 and 3. More images sites and vegetation types in the Reserve are presented in Hopkins et al. (2024).

Fig. 2.

Some examples of sites and vegetation types surveyed for macrofungi. (a) Melaleuca scrub near Tick Flat track 2020; (b) Robinsons Gully 2020; (c) Wave Sign Gully Track 2007; (d) Webster’s Gully beyond Little Beach with Maardjitup Gurlin/Mt Gardner right of centre 2007; (e) picnic area near research Quarters 2007; (f) bushfire regeneration on lower section of Firebreak Valley Track 2020 (photographs K. Syme).

Fig. 3.

More examples of sites and vegetation types surveyed for macrofungi. (a) Eucalyptus megacarpa forest near research Station January 2024; (b) mixed heath high on Firebreak Valley Track (photographs A. S. Hopper, B. K. Syme).


Materials and methods

Herbarium and Fungimap data

Atlas of living Australia (ALA) data for fungal records in the Reserve were downloaded (30 April 2024), and non-macrofungal records removed. Species lists from surveys and inventories provided in various reports (many unpublished) were cross-checked against the ALA data and duplicates removed. Collections identified only to order or family were deleted and names then checked against the National Species list for Fungi ( and updated to current classification. Where collections have not been able to be assigned to known species, a provisional name was used, indicated by a short tag name such as ‘Amanita abruptly bulbed’. Each of these provisional taxa was considered to represent a different species in initial lists. However, interpretation of these provisional names was problematic once collection data were examined, thus they were included under ‘Genus spp.’ in the final summary table. For collections where we were certain a single unknown species was present, we list it as ‘Genus sp.’ in the summary table. Twenty-four sites distributed in 17 different vegetation types were determined for all collections based on collection details; acronyms were devised, then applied for each species and included in the final summary table (sites shown on Fig. 4). A final category of ‘?’, signifying an undeterminable location was included for 35 collections where no GPS data was available, or location was simply listed as ‘Two Peoples Bay Reserve’. We acknowledge that the vegetation types listed for some sites is an oversimplification of the rich complexity of habitats at the location. However, it was not possible to tease out enough details from the collection notes or GPS data to follow the breakdown provided in Hopkins et al. (2024).

Fig. 4.

Map of Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve showing collecting sites of macrofungi in green boxes. These include Webster’s Gully (WGu); Heritage Trail (Htb); Goodga River Track (GRtk); forest near Reserve Office (RO); Sinker Reef Track (SRf); Juniperina Creek (JCk); Wilson’s Track (WT); Firebreak Gully Track (FGTk); Firebreak Gully Valley (FbV); Kaiupgidjukgidj/Moates Lagoon (MLtk); Rocky Point Track (RcPt); Tyiurrtmiirity/Lake Gardner (Mela); Little Beach (LitBe); Robinson Gully (RoGu); Hakea Gully (HaG); Wave Sign Gully (WSGu); Fitzpatrick’s Track (Fitz); Rydene Property (RyDe); Maardjitup Gurlin/Mt Gardner (MtGa); Western Boundary Track (WBTr); Tick Flat (TcFtr); Area 5, off track from V4S (Area5); Little Bay (LiBy); Bishops Gully (BiGu). See Tables 1 and 2 for list of species collected. Base map by A. J. M. Hopkins and G. T. Smith.


Surveys and collecting events

An inventory of the macrofungi was conducted in the Reserve between June and September 1991 and from March to May 1992, the optimal season for fungi in this region, by K. Syme (Syme 1992). Sampling was carried out for up to 3 days each week along 31 different tracks, walk trails, gullies, and in dunes and woodland areas. However, this was reduced to 24 sites in the final summary table as several tracks and trails were located very close to each other and ran through the same general location and vegetation type, and also only had a single collection or observation recorded (Table 1). Visits to Djimaalap/noisy scrub-bird (Atrichornis clamosus) breeding areas (such as the gullies) were limited. Syme also carried out random collection surveys from 1998 to 1999 sampling 2 days/week along tracks and trails each month (Syme 1999), and again in 2007–2008 (assisted by Dr J. Newell in 2008), as part of a survey of fungi in the South Coast Natural Resource Management Region (Syme 2008). One-off collections or 1–2 day forays were also conducted at other times over the past four decades by K. Syme and a range of researchers. All road, track, and trails were accessed on foot and on all occasions, as a precaution against the spread of soil-borne pathogens, strict hygiene measures were respected (Hart et al. 2024).

Table 1.List of sites (acronyms) visited during macrofungi surveys and main vegetation types at each site (locations are shown on Fig. 4).

AcronymFull site nameAssociated vegetation/habitat
WGuWebster’s GullyWoodland deep leaf litter: Eucalyptus megacarpa, Eucalyptus calophylla, Melaleuca baxteri
HtbHeritage trailMixed low woodland, deep leaf litter: Eucalyptus cornuta, Eucalyptus megacarpa, Agonis flexuosa OR Agonis flexuosa thicket OR Allocasuarina fraseriana, Melaleuca sp. OR Banksia sp.
GRtkGoodga River TrackOpen forest: Corymbia calophylla, Eucalyptus marginata, Allocasuarina
RQResearch QuartersOpen woodland and heath: sandy areas
SRfSinker Reef trackCoastal shrubland: Agonis flexuosa, Melaleuca thymoides, Spyridium sp., Acacia cochlearis, Leucopogon sp., Olearia axillaris and other shrubs
JCkJuniperina Creekopen forest wet: Eucalyptus calophylla and Agonis flexuosa, Melaleuca sp.
WTWilson’s TrackLow woodland, deep leaf litter: Eucalyptus cornuta, Agonis flexuosa, Spyridium globulosum, Oxylobium sp., Bossiaea sp.
FGTkFirebreak Gully TrackWoodland: Eucalyptus marginata, Corymbia calophylla, Allocasuarina fraseriana, Oxylobium lanceolatum OR Melaleuca spp. and Agonis spp.
FbVFirebreak Gully ValleyOpen woodland or heathland: Allocasuarina fraseriana, Eucalyptus megacarpa, Eucalyptus marginata, Corymbia calophylla, Agonis hypericifolia
MLTkKaiupgidjukgidj/Moates Lagoon TkWoodland or heath: Eucalyptus patens, Eucalyptus staeri, Eucalyptus marginata, Allocasuarina fraseriana, Agonis hypericifolia, Melalueca thymoides
RcPtRocky PointCoastal heath: Agonis flexuosa, Melaleuca thymoides, Allocasuarina humilis, Spyridium, Acacia cochlearis
MelaGardner Creek/Gardner Lake/TyiurrtmiirityWoodland: Melaleuca baxterii and Agonis flexuosa, Taxandria parviceps OR Coastal heath shrubland with Agonis spp. and shrubs of Myrtaceae and Fabaceae OR Banksia attenuata woodland
LitBeLittle BeachHeath shrubland: Allocasuarina and myrtaceous shrubs, Agonis flexuosa, Spiridium globulosum, Acacia and Melaleuca
RoGuRobinsons GullyOpen forest: Eucalyptus marginata, Eucalyptus megacarpa & Agonis flexuosa, Allocasuarina, Hakea
HaGHakea GullyOpen forest: Corymbia calophylla, Eucalyptus marginata, Taxandria parviceps
WSGuWave Sign GullyLow woodland: Eucalyptus conferruminata, Eucalyptus calophylla, E. marginata (coastal form), Oxylobium cuneata, Hakea cucullata, Allocasuarina fraseriana, Agonis marginata, Agonis hypericifolia
FitzFitzpatrick’s TrackLow woodland: Eucalyptus cornuta, Agonis flexuosa, Spyridium globulosum
RyDeRydene PropertyWoodland: Eucalyptus marginata, Corymbia calophylla, Allocasuarina, Xanthorrhoea
MtGaWes’ Hilltop site, Maardjitup Gurlin/Mt GardnerHeath: Gastrolobium bilobium
WBTrWestern Boundary TrackWoodland: Eucalyptus marginata, Melaleuca sp., Allocasuarina humilis, A. fraseriana, Agonis flexuosa
TcFtrTick FlatOpen heath: Dryandra sessilis, Agonis flexuosa
Area5Area 5, off track from V4SSwamp: Agonis flexuosa and Eucalyptus megacarpa.
LiByLittle BayCoastal heath
BiGuBishops GullyWoodland: Eucalyptus angulosa and Allocasuarina fraseriana
?UncertainWoodland or heath shrubland: Eucalyptus, Agonis, Allocasuarina, Gastrolobium

Most species of fungi were gathered only once and where possible, all growth stages were included in the collection; associated plant species were recorded in the field and if known, standard vegetation codes applied. Unique code numbers were assigned to each collection and detailed fieldnotes of sporocarps recorded. The fungi were then dried in a fan-forced dehydrator and stored in clip lock plastic bags. Where applicable, spore prints were collected, individually labelled and packaged, and when required to assist identification, spores, and other microscopic characters were examined at 1000× magnification using a compound microscope (Figs 5 and 6).

Fig. 5.

Some microscopic characters useful to differentiate genera and species. (a) Ridged spores of Austrogautieria sp.; (b) smooth spores with inflated utricle of Hysterangium sp.; (c) metuloid crystals on pleurocystidia of Inocybe spp. (20 um scale bar = to lower elongated cell swollen base (side to side)); (d) amyloid ornamentation of Russulaceae spores (scale bar (10 Um) on the left side); (e) amyloid hyphal trama of a hypogeal bolete; (f) pileocystidia in pellis of Lactifluus clarkeae (50 um scale bar = to filamentous layer width) (Photographs ac K. Syme; df T. Lebel).

Fig. 6.

Drawings made in 2020 by K. Syme of spores found in faecal pellets from two Ngilgaitch/Gilbert’s potoroos (Potorus gilbertii).


The first stage of a dietary study of the critically endangered Ngilgaitch/Gilbert’s potoroo began in February 1998 and was completed a year later (Syme 1999). Survey plots of 20 × 40 m were established in each of five different vegetation types: Forest, Heath/Sedge, Sedge, Woodland/Heath, and Forest/Heath, and sampled once per month. The Forest site was in Firebreak Valley (locations named are shown in Fig. 4), and the only one located near foraging sites of the potoroos; the remaining sites were some distance down slope, west of Firebreak Valley Track. Further studies of macrofungi were made in sites frequently visited by potoroos, as evidenced by diggings. These sites were surveyed by Syme and volunteers in 2020, 5 years after the 2015 wildfire.


Herbarium collections and Fungimap observational records

A total of 781 macrofungi collections from Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve are lodged with the Western Australian Herbarium (PERTH); 54 collections are held at the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria (RBG), and five at the New South Wales Plant Pathology and Mycology Herbarium (DAR). An unknown number of collections from the Reserve are in overseas herbaria; including in the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, UK, the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. A further 140 Fungimap observational records, with confirmed identifications based upon photographs and notes, are included in the totals for number of families, genera, and species in the Reserve. Fewer than 50 iNaturalist observational records of macrofungi have been submitted, possibly due in part to poor reception for on-site uploading of images and data. These were not included in final tallies.

A total of 980 collections of macrofungi are confirmed from the Reserve (AVH data). Of these 196 are able to be identified to a published species concept, and 82 only to genus level (Table 2). A further 300 un-named species (tag names might have been applied, but taxa could not be conclusively assigned to a formal species), were distinguished by examining field notes and some herbarium collections. Unsurprisingly, genera that have had ongoing taxonomic research are those for which named species numbers are the greatest. Thirty-two species were hypogeous sequestrate fungi and the remainder epigeous, mostly agaricoid or boletoid macrofungi. The earliest known collection in a herbarium is of Quadrispora sp., a hypogeous relative of Cortinarius found by Dr Graeme Smith in July 1975.

Table 2.Summary list of macrofungi species collected from 24 sites distributed in 17 different vegetation types (see Table 1 for acronyms) in the Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve.

FamilyGenus speciesWGuHtbGRTkROSRfJCkWTFGtkFbVMLTkRcPTMelaLitBeRoGuHaGWsGuFitzRyDeMtGaWBTrTcFTrWBtrArea5LiByBiGu?
AgaricaceaeAgaricus bitorquis (Quel.) Sacc.X
AgaricaceaeAgaricus spp.XXXXXXX
AgaricaceaeCoprinus comatus (O.F. Mull.) Pers.X
AgaricaceaeCoprinellus spp.XX
AgaricaceaeLepiota spp.XXXXXXX
AgaricaceaeLycoperdon spp.XXX
AgaricaceaeMacrolepiota clelandii Grgur.X
AgaricaceaeMelanophyllum haematospermum (Bull.) KreiselXX
AgaricaceaeTulostoma sp.X
AmanitaceaeAmanita hiltonii gp D.A. ReidXX
AmanitaceaeAmanita arenaria (O.K. Mill. & E. Horak) JustoXXXXX
AmanitaceaeAmanita austroviridis O.K. Mill.XX
AmanitaceaeAmanita basiorubra O.K. Mill.XXXX
AmanitaceaeAmanita brunneistriatula O.K. Mill.XXX
AmanitaceaeAmanita drummondii E.M. Davison
AmanitaceaeAmanita dumosorum D.A. Reid
AmanitaceaeAmanita eucalypti O.K. Mill.XXXX
AmanitaceaeAmanita fibrillopes O.K. Mill.
AmanitaceaeAmanita flaviphylla O.K. Mill.XXX
AmanitaceaeAmanita griselloides D.A. ReidX
AmanitaceaeAmanita luteivolvata O.K. Mill.X
AmanitaceaeAmanita ochrophylloides D.A. ReidX
AmanitaceaeAmanita peltigera D.A. ReidXX
AmanitaceaeAmanita pseudoarenaria E.M. Davison, Giustiniano & BougherXX
AmanitaceaeAmanita spp.XXXXXXXXXXXX
AmanitaceaeAmanita subalbida ClelandX
AmanitaceaeAmanita umbrinella Cleland & E.-J. GilbertX
AmanitaceaeAmanita xanthocephala (Berk.) D.A. Reid & R.N. HiltonXXXXXX
AmanitaceaeAmarrendia lignicolor (G.W. Beaton et al.) Bougher & T. LebelXXX
AmylocorticiaceaePodoserpula pusio (Berk.) D.A. ReidXXX
AuriscalpiaceaeArtomyces austropiperatus LickeyXX
AuriscalpiaceaeClavicorona taxophila (Thom) DotyX
BankeraceaePhellodon niger (Fr.) P. Karst.X
BankeraceaePhellodon spp.XX
BolbitiaceaeBolbitius sp.X
BolbitiaceaeBolbitius titubans (Bull.) Fr.X
BolbitiaceaeDescolea maculata BougherXX
BolbitiaceaeDescolea sp.X
BolbitiaceaeDescolea alba (Berk.) Kuhar, Nouhra & M.E. Sm.X
BolbitiaceaePanaeolus rickenii (Fr.) Quel.X
BolbitiaceaePanaeolus spp.XXXXX
BoletaceaeAmylotrama sp.X
BoletaceaeAustroboletus occidentalis Watling & N.M. Greg.XXX
BoletaceaeBoletellus ananiceps (Berk.) SingerX
BoletaceaeBoletellus obscurecoccineus (Hohn.) SingerXX
BoletaceaeBoletus spp.XXXXXXXX
BoletaceaeFistulinella mollis WatlingXX
BoletaceaePhylloporus hyperion (Cooke & Massee) SingerX
BoletaceaePhylloporus spp.XX
BoletaceaeRossbeevera westraliensis T. Lebel & OriharaXX
BoletaceaeTylopilus fusispora msX
BoletaceaeTylopilus (Pogisperma ms) spp.XXXXXXXX
BoletaceaeXerocomus multicolor (Cleland) Grgur.X
CantharellaceaeCantharellus concinnusX
CantharellalesGrandinia sp.X
ClavariaceaeClavaria amoena Zoll. & MoritziX
ClavariaceaeClavaria spp.XXXXXX
ClavariaceaeClavaria vermicularis Holmsk.X
ClavariaceaeRamariopsis helvola (Pers.) R.H. PetersenX
ClavulinaceaeClavulina sp.X
CordycipitaceaeBeauveria sp.X
CordycipitaceaeCordyceps sp.X
CordycipitaceaeIsaria sp.X
CortinariaceaeCortinarius archeri Berk.X
CortinariaceaeCortinarius austrovenetus ClelandX
CortinariaceaeCortinarius basipurpureus (Bougher) Peintner & M.M. MoserXXX
CortinariaceaeCortinarius clelandii A.H. Sm.X
CortinariaceaeCortinarius cystidiocatenatus (Grgur.) GaspariniXX
CortinariaceaeCortinarius hallowellensis A.E. WoodX
CortinariaceaeCortinarius luteirufescens (Bougher) Peintner & M.M. MoserXX
CortinariaceaeCortinarius rotundisporus Cheel & ClelandXX
CortinariaceaeCortinarius spp.XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
CortinariaceaeCortinarius tubercularis (Bougher & A.A. Francis) GaspariniXX
CortinariaceaePhaeocollybia ratticauda E. HorakXX
CortinariaceaePhaeocollybia sp.X
CortinariaceaeThaxterogaster spp.X
CrepidotaceaeCrepidotus applanatus (Pers.) P. Kumm.X
CrepidotaceaeCrepidotus nephrodes (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc.X
CrepidotaceaeCrepidotus spp.XXXXX
DacrymycetaceaeCalocera guepinioides Berk.X
DacrymycetaceaeCalocera spp.X
DacrymycetaceaeDacrymyces sp.X
DacrymycetaceaeHeterotextus peziziformis (Berk.) LloydX
ElaphomycetaceaeElaphomyces chlorocarpus Castellano, Trappe & T. LebelXX
ElaphomycetaceaeElaphomyces symeae Castellano, Trappe & T. LebelXX
EntolomataceaeEntoloma albomagnum G.M. Gates & Noordel.X
EntolomataceaeEntoloma incanum (Fr.) HeslerX
EntolomataceaeEntoloma kermandii G.M. Gates & Noordel.XX
EntolomataceaeEntoloma maldea G.M. Gates & Noordel.X
EntolomataceaeEntoloma sericellum (Fr.) P. Kumm.X
EntolomataceaeEntoloma viridomarginatum (Cleland) E. HorakX
EntolomataceaeEntoloma spp.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
EntolomataceaeRhodocybe sp.X
FistulinaceaeFistulina spiculifera (Cooke) D.A. ReidXX
FomitopsidaceaeLaetiporus portentosus (Berk.) Rajchenb.X
FomitopsidaceaePiptoporus australiensis (Wakef.) G. Cunn.XXX
GallaceaceaeAustrogautieria sp.X
GeastraceaeGeastrum pectinatum Pers.X
GeastraceaeGeastrum spp.XX
GeastraceaeGeastrum triplex Jungh.X
GeastraceaeSphaerobolus stellatus TodeX
GeoglossaceaeGlutinoglossum glutinosum (Pers.) Hustad, A.N. Mill., Dentiger & P.F. CannonX
GeoglossaceaeGeoglossum sp.XX
GeoglossaceaeTrichoglossum hirsutum (Pers.) Boud.X
GeoglossaceaeTrichoglossum sp.X
GomphaceaeRamaria australiana (Cleland) R.H. PetersenX
GomphaceaeRamaria capitata (Lloyd) CornerXXX
GomphaceaeRamaria fennica (P. Karst.) RickenX
GomphaceaeRamaria lorithamnus (Berk.) R.H. PetersenX
GomphaceaeRamaria ochraceosalmonicolor (Cleland) CornerX
GomphaceaeRamaria spp.XXXXXXX
GomphaceaeRamaria versatilis Quel.XX
GyroporaceaeGyroporus robinsonii DavoodianX
GyroporaceaeGyroporus spp.XXX
HelotiaceaeBanksiamyces sp.X
HelotiaceaePhaeohelotium terrestris Baral & R. GalanXX
HydnaceaeHydnum crocidens CookeX
HydnaceaeHydnum sp.X
HydnaceaeSistotrema sp.X
HydnangiaceaeLaccaria lateritia MalençonX
HydnangiaceaeLaccaria spp.XXXXXX
HygrophoraceaeHygrocybe astatogala (R. Heim) Heinem.X
HygrophoraceaeHygrocybe austropratensis A.M. YoungX
HygrophoraceaeHygrocybe cantharellus (Schwein.) MurrillXX
HygrophoraceaeHygrocybe coccinea (Schaeff.) P. Kumm.XX
HygrophoraceaeHygrocybe miniata (Fr.) P. Kumm.X
HygrophoraceaeHygrocybe polychroma Bougher & A.M. YoungX
HygrophoraceaeHygrocybe spp.XXXXXXXXX
HygrophoraceaeLichenomphalia chromacea (Cleland) Lutzoni, Redhead, Moncalvo & VilgalysX
HygrophoraceaeLichenomphalia ericetorum (L.) Lutzoni, Redhead, Moncalvo & VilgalysX
HygrophoraceaeLichenomphalia umbellifera (L.) Lutzoni, Redhead, Moncalvo & VilgalysX
HymenochaetaceaeColtricia cinnamomea (Jacq.) MurrillXXXXX
HymenochaetaceaeColtriciella dependens (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) MurrillXX
HypocreaceaeHypomyces chrysospermus Tul. & C. Tul.XX
HypocreaceaeHypomyces viridis P. Karst.X
HypocreaceaeSepedonium sp. LinkX
HysterangiaceaeAroramyces sp. Castellano & VerbekenX
HysterangiaceaeHysterangium affine Massee & RodwayX
HysterangiaceaeHysterangium gardneri E. Fisch.X
HysterangiaceaeHysterangium spp.XXXXXX
InocybaceaeAuritella arenicolens (Cleland) Bougher & MathenyXX
InocybaceaeInocybe albofloccosa (Fr.) Fr.X
InocybaceaeInocybe atrorubripes (Fr.) Fr.X
InocybaceaeInocybe aureorimosa (Fr.) Fr.XX
InocybaceaeInocybe australiensis (Fr.) Fr.X
InocybaceaeInocybe avellaneifolia (Fr.) Fr.X
InocybaceaeInocybe emergens (Cleland) Grgur.X
InocybaceaeInocybe eriocaulis Matheny & BougherXX
InocybaceaeInocybe exigens (Fr.) Fr.X
InocybaceaeInocybe farinosipes (Fr.) Fr.X
InocybaceaeInocybe fibrillosibrunnea O.K. Mill. & R.N. HiltonX
InocybaceaeInocybe fissurata Matheny & BougherX
InocybaceaeInocybe fulvotomentosa Matheny & BougherXX
InocybaceaeInocybe gomphocephala (Fr.) Fr.X
InocybaceaeInocybe hymenocarpa (Fr.) Fr.X
InocybaceaeInocybe isabellina Matheny & BougherXX
InocybaceaeInocybe laureata (Fr.) Fr.X
InocybaceaeInocybe mallopoda Matheny & BougherX
InocybaceaeInocybe paucicolor Matheny & BougherX
InocybaceaeInocybe rufescens (Fr.) Fr.X
InocybaceaeInocybe serrata Cheel & ClelandXXX
InocybaceaeInocybe sp. (Fr.) Fr.XXXXXX
InocybaceaeInocybe spadicea (Fr.) Fr.X
InocybaceaeInocybe subferruginea Matheny & BougherX
InocybaceaeInocybe violaceocaulis Matheny & BougherX
InocybaceaeTubaria rufofulva (Cleland) D.A. Reid & E. HorakXXXX
InocybaceaeTubaria sp.X
IrpicaceaeMeruliopsis sp.X
MarasmiaceaeMarasmiellus sp.X
MarasmiaceaeMarasmius spp.XXXXXXX
MesophelliaceaeCastoreum radicatum Cooke & MasseeXXXXX
MesophelliaceaeFusicastoreum occidentale R.A. Day, Davoodian, T.W. May, T. Lebel, CastellanoX
MesophelliaceaeGummiglobus agglutinosporus (GW. Beaton) Castellano, Trappe & Amar.XX
MesophelliaceaeGummivena potorooi Bougher & TrappeXX
MesophelliaceaeMesophellia spp.X
MycenaceaeMycena carmeliana Grgur.X
MycenaceaeMycena pura (Pers.) P. Kumm.X
MycenaceaeMycena spp.XXXXXXXXX
MycenaceaeMycena subgalericulata ClelandX
MycenaceaeMycena yirukensis Grgur.X
MycenaceaePanellus ligulatus E. HorakXX
MycenaceaePanellus spp.XX
OmphalotaceaeAnthracophyllum archeri (Berk.) PeglerXXXX
OmphalotaceaeOmphalotus nidiformis (Berk.) O.K. Mill.XXXXXX
PaxillaceaeAlpova sp.X
PezizaceaeHydnoplicata convoluta (McAlpine) Trappe & ClaridgeX
PezizaceaePeziza austrogeaster (Rodway) RifaiX
PezizaceaePlicaria spp.X
PhallaceaeColus pusillus (Berk.) ReichertX
PhallaceaeIleodictyon gracile Berk.X
PhallaceaeMutinus sp.X
PhallaceaePhallus hadriani Vent.X
PhysalacriaceaeArmillaria luteobubalina Watling & KileXXX
PhysalacriaceaeHymenopellis gigaspora (Cooke & Massee) R.H. PetersenXXX
PleurotaceaeHohenbuehelia sp.X
PleurotaceaePleurotus australis (Cooke & Massee) Sacc.XXX
PleurotaceaePleurotus sp.XX
PluteaceaePluteus atromarginatus (Konrad) KuhnerXX
PluteaceaePluteus lutescens E. HorakX
PluteaceaePluteus nanus (Pers.) P. Kumm.X
PluteaceaePluteus spp.XXXX
PluteaceaeVolvopluteus gloiocephalus (DC.) Vizzini, Contu & JustoX
PolyporaceaeFomes sp.X
PolyporaceaeLentinus sp.X
PolyporaceaeNeolentinus dactyloides (Cleland) Redhead & GinnsXXX
PolyporaceaePerenniporia ochroleuca (Berk.) RyvardenXX
PolyporaceaePicipes badius (Pers.) Zmitr. & KovalenkoX
PolyporaceaePolyporus sp.X
PolyporaceaePycnoporus coccineus (Fr.) Bondartsev & SingerXXX
PolyporaceaeTrametes versicolor (L.) LloydXX
PolyporaceaeTyromyces sp.X
PsathyrellaceaePsathyrella spp.XXX
PyronemataceaeAleuria aurantia (Pers.) FuckelX
PyronemataceaeAleurina ferruginea (W. Phillips ex Cooke) W.Y. Zhuang & KorfX
PyronemataceaeScutellinia scutellata (L.) LambotteXX
RepetobasidiaceaeRickenella fibula (Bull.) Raithelh.XX
RepetobasidiaceaeRickenella sp.XX
RussulaceaeLactarius eucalypti O.K. Mill. & R.N. HiltonXX
RussulaceaeLactarius sp.X
RussulaceaeLactifluus clarkeae (Cleland) VerbekenX
RussulaceaeLactifluus flocktoniae (Cleland & Cheel) T. LebelX
RussulaceaeLactifluus sp.X
RussulaceaeRussula adusta (Pers.) Fr.X
RussulaceaeRussula clelandii O.K. Mill. & R.N. HiltonX
RussulaceaeRussula eburnea (T. Lebel) T. LebelX
RussulaceaeRussula erumpens Cheel & ClelandXXXX
RussulaceaeRussula neerimea Grgur.XXX
RussulaceaeRussula persanguinea ClelandX
RussulaceaeRussula pisiglarea (T. Lebel) T. LebelXXX
RussulaceaeRussula spp.XXXXXXXXXXXX
RussulaceaeZelleromyces daucinus G.W. Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K. YoungX
RussulaceaeZelleromyces spp.XXXX
SclerodermataceaeCalostoma fuhreri Crichton & J.H. WillisX
SclerodermataceaeCalostoma fuscum (Berk.) MasseeX
SclerodermataceaePisolithus marmoratus (Berk.) E. Fisch.XX
SclerodermataceaePisolithus microcarpus (Cooke & Massee) G. Cunn.X
SclerodermataceaePisolithus spp.XXX
SclerodermataceaePisolithus tympanobaculus T. Lebel & M.D. BarrettX
SclerodermataceaeScleroderma australe (J.F. Gmel.) Pers.X
SclerodermataceaeScleroderma cepa Pers.XX
SclerodermataceaeScleroderma macrorrhizon Wallr.X
SclerodermataceaeScleroderma sp.XX
SerpulaceaeAustropaxillus infundibuliformis (Cleland) Bresinsky & JaroschX
SerpulaceaeAustropaxillus muelleri (Berk.) Bresinsky & JaroschX
SerpulaceaeAustropaxillus sp.X
StephanosporaceaeStephanospora occidentiaustralis T. Lebel & CastellanoXXX
StephanosporaceaeStephanospora sp.X
StereaceaeStereum hirsutum (Willd.) Pers.XXX
StereaceaeStereum sp.X
StrophariaceaeGalerina sp.XXXXXXXXX
StrophariaceaeGymnopilus allantopus (Berk.) PeglerX
StrophariaceaeGymnopilus ferruginosus B.J. ReesX
StrophariaceaeGymnopilus purpuratus (Cooke & Massee) SingerX
StrophariaceaeGymnopilus spp.XXXXXX
StrophariaceaeHebeloma sp.X
StrophariaceaeHypholoma australe O.K. Mill.X
StrophariaceaeHysterogaster sp.X
StrophariaceaePholiota communis (Cheel & Cleland) Grgur.X
StrophariaceaePholiota multicingulata E. HorakX
StrophariaceaePsilocybe coprophila (Bull.) P. Kumm.XX
StrophariaceaePsilocybe sp.XX
StrophariaceaeStropharia semiglobata (Batsch) Quel.X
ThelephoraceaeThelephora spp.XXX
TremellaceaeTremella mesenterica Retz.XXX
TremellaceaeTremella sp.X
TricholomataceaeAsproinocybe lyophylloides K. Syme & T. LebelXX
TricholomataceaeClitocybe spp.XXXXX
TricholomataceaeCollybia spp.XXXXXX
TricholomataceaeResupinatus applicatus (Batsch) GrayXX
TricholomataceaeResupinatus sp.X
TricholomataceaeTricholoma eucalypticum A. PearsonXXX
TricholomataceaeTricholoma spp.XXXX
TricholomataceaeTricholomopsis scabra J.A. CooperX
TricholomataceaeTricholomopsis sp.X
TuberaceaeLabyrinthomyces varius (Rodway) TrappeXXX
XylariaceaeDaldinia concentrica (Bolton) De Not. & Ces.X
XylariaceaePoronia erici Lohmeyer & BenkertXXXXX
XylariaceaeXylaria sp.XX

A total of 980 collections of macrofungi were confirmed from the Reserve (AVH data). Of these 199 were identified to a published species concept, and 85 only to genus level. Genera with more than one unknown provisional species (‘tag names’), are listed as ‘Genus spp.’; and those representing a single unknown species are listed as ‘Genus sp’.

There were 149 collections of Amanitaceae, including 20 named species, many of them with distinctive colours and odours. The green Amanita austroviridis, discovered by Smith in 1975, was found to occur in three locations; two on Firebreak Valley Track and one in Wave Sign Gully. Other distinctive fungi in this genus were the red-veiled Amanita basiorubra, the diminutive yellow Amanita flaviphylla, and the large and pungent ochre-coloured Amanita ochrophylloides. Amanita (=Torrendia) arenaria and A. pseudoarenaria, two hypogeous relatives of Amanita, were collected from sandy patches on the margins of Firebreak Valley Track, Wave Sign Gully, Robinson’s Gully, Wilson’s Track, and Fitzpatrick’s Track. The Boletaceae were reasonably well represented with 50 collections including 8 named species; 14 of the collections representing an undescribed hypogeous relative of Tylopilus. Some species of Boletes were frequently encountered and emerged as early as March; however, identification in this group is problematic. Thus, most are identified only to family level in herbaria and foray lists. The Inocybaceae were well represented with 56 collections representing 3 genera and 24 species, in part due to a recent comprehensive taxonomic revision of Inocybe (Matheny and Bougher 2017). The Russulaceae were well represented in terms of 79 collections for four genera but with only 11 named species. Further taxonomic work is needed on this family. A similar situation is true for the Entolomataceae represented by 68 collections from 2 genera but only 6 named species (a further five provisional species were indicated in species lists). The Cortinariaceae were under-represented with only 77 collections representing 10 species, 3 of which are hypogeal sequestrate forms. This family is consistently one of the most diverse in almost any multihabitat area with ectomycorrhizal hosts worldwide. The wholly hypogeal sequestrate families Hysterangiaceae and Mesophelliaceae are also under-represented in terms of diversity (eight named taxa, Syme 1999) and number of collections (54). This is in part due to the cryptic nature of the hypogeal sporocarps, preference given to not removing potential food sources of Ngilgaitch/Gilbert’s potorroo, and lack of updated taxonomic resources. A recent publication found that these lineages, Hysterangiaceae and Mesophelliaceae, held high hidden diversity at the genus level (Davoodian et al. 2021).

Shaggy ink-caps (Coprinus comatus) were found fruiting in buffalo grass (Bouteloua dactyloides) on the foreshore of Two Peoples Bay and nearby, and the ghost fungus Omphalotus nidiformis (a luminous, poisonous species) was found growing on the same Agonis flexuosa trees as the Australian oyster mushroom Pleurotus australis, with which it is sometimes confused. Graceful blue Cortinarius rotundisporus and two species of coral fungi (Ramaria sp.) were only seen in moist gullies. Several species, such as Omphalotus nidiformis, Entoloma mathinnae, Russula persanguinea, Austroboletus occidentalis, Hydnum crocidens group were only found in areas with deep leaf litter and long-established canopy cover (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7.

Examples of some fungi found in forest habitats with deeper leaf litter. (a–b) bioluminescent Omphalotus nidiformis under natural light and at night-time using time lapse; (c) Entoloma mathinnae; (d) Russula persanguinea; (e) Austroboletus occidentalis; (f) Hydnum crocidens group. (Photographs: a, cf, K. Syme; b, M. Brundrett).


Rare or rarely seen

Ten species of macrofungi, including three hypogeal sequestrate fungi, have been described from collections made in the Reserve (Table 3). Almost all of these species have fewer than eight collections Australia wide, and the majority of collections are from the Reserve. Some of these species do have further Fungimap or iNaturalist observational records.

Table 3.List of rare species of macrofungi described from collections made in the Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve.

Genus speciesType collection information
Amanita austroviridis O.K. Mill.OKM 24785, HOLOTYPE (PERTH); ISOTYPE (VPI)
Amanita basiorubra O.K. Mill.OKM 24784, HOLOTYPE (PERTH); ISOTYPE (VPI)
Amanita fibrillopes O.K. Mill.OKM 23890 (E623) HOLOTYPE VPI
Amanita luteivolvata O.K. Mill.0KM24779, HOLOTYPE (PERTH), ISOTYPE (VPI)
Amanita peltigera (=dumosorum) D.A. ReidD Reid, Hilton & Brittan HOLOTYPE (K(M)), ISOTYPE (DAR)
Elaphomyces chlorocarpus Castellano, Trappe & T. LebelKS1040/98, KS1038/98, KS1030/98 PARATYPES (PERTH)
Elaphomyces symeae Castellano, Trappe & T. LebelKS1005/98, HOLOTYPE (MEL), ISOTYPE (OSC); KS1029/98, KS1031/98 PARATYPES (PERTH)
Inocybe subferruginea Matheny & BougherBOU 00319 HOLOTYPE (PERTH)
Pisolithus tympanobaculus T. Lebel & M.D. BarrettREB2016 HOLOTYPE (PDD), REB2017 PARATYPE (PDD)
Cortinarius tubercularis (Bougher & A.A. Francis) GaspariniH6388 HOLOTYPE (PERTH)

The green Amanita austroviridis is known from only six herbarium collections, one from South Australia, one from Victoria, and four from Western Australia; three of these from Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve. A further 11 observational records are deposited in iNaturalist, 2 from Western Australia (#83123610, #248681012), 8 from Victoria (#28110255, #96866087, #188601760, #247428561, #100387705, #65190821, #39641835, #245535818), and 1 from Tasmania (#112259352).

A single collection each of a purple-veiled Amanita and a volvate Cortinarius were made, but neither have been observed or collected since 1992 (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8.

Rare or rarely seen fungi of Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve. (a) Amanita austroviridis; (b) A. basiorubra; (c) A. fibrillopes; (d) Amanita sp. ‘purple universal veil’; (e) Elaphomyces chlorocarpus; (f) E. symeae; (g) Pisolithus tympanobaculus. (Photographs: af, K. Syme; g, R. E. Beever, Landcare Research NZ, CC BY 4.0).


Two species of ascomycete hypogeal fungi, Elaphomyces chlorocarpus and E. symeae are known from Allocasuarina dominated habitat near Firebreak Valley Track, and spores of these species were also found in potoroo pellets. For E. chlorocarpus, there are a total of nine collections from Western Australia, five of which are from the Reserve. For E. symeae there are five collections from the Reserve. No observational records have been recorded for either species, probably due to the hypogeal nature of the sporocarps, and the depth (5–25 cm) at which the colourful (bright red or yellow) mycelium occurs.

The hypogeal sequestrate fungus Cortinarius tubercularis is known from only two collections in the Reserve, but likely occurs more widely in the south-west WA coastal regions. A third collection labelled as this species in the Australian Virtual Herbarium (AVH) from Cathedral Rocks National Park in New South Wales, is a misidentification (T. Lebel, unpubl. data). Spores of C. tubercularis were also commonly found in faecal pellets.

The stalked puffball, Pisolithus tympanobaculus, is known from only two collections in the Reserve. However, it does occur more widely, as sequences were obtained from material collected at Scott River, Kudardup, and Northcliffe in Western Australia (Lebel et al. 2018); further specimens are likely hiding among the ‘Pisolithus sp.’ collections in various herbaria.

Fortunately, the pathogenic root and lower trunk rot fungus Armillaria luteobubalina was not commonly seen (three collections). Nor were species parasitic on insects such as Cordyceps (only one record).

Sequestrate or truffle-like fungi

In the past two decades, there has been a dramatic increase in research on sequestrate fungi in Australia. During this short time, 35 genera and some 200 new species were described and another 150 or so are in the process of being described (Bougher and Syme 1998; Bougher and Lebel 2001, 2002; Lebel 2003a, 2003b; Francis and Bougher 2004; Lebel et al. 2004, 2015, 2021, 2022; Trappe et al. 2008, 2013; Lebel and Catcheside 2009; Danks et al. 2010; Danks 2011; Castellano et al. 2011; Halling et al. 2012; Lebel and Syme 2012; Lebel and Vellinga 2013; Claridge et al. 2014; Elliott et al. 2015; Gelardi et al. 2017; Davoodian et al. 2021). It is estimated that there could be more than 1200 species of hypogeal sequestrate fungi in Australia (Claridge et al. 2000; Bougher and Lebel 2001).

During the 1991–1992 surveys, the eucalypt woodland site in Firebreak Valley, dominated by Eucalyptus megacarpa, with smaller numbers of E. marginata and Corymbia calophylla, was the most productive in terms of numbers and species of hypogeous sequestrate fungi. The wet sedge sites were the least productive (no specimens). Although Castoreum radicatum was the most frequently unearthed (17 times in 7 months, with a total of 70 sporocarps), higher numbers of Gummiglobus agglutinosporus and Gummivena potorooi were found (104 sporocarps located 14 times over 9 months, including summer). One collection of this species from the western slope of Firebreak Valley yielded 33 sporocarps and 40 were unearthed in one of the eucalypt woodland plots. Cortinarius luteirufescens was also prolific, with 60 sporocarps gathered on eight occasions, from June to October (the wetter months). Bright yellow mycelium was prolific all year round under Allocasuarina fraseriana, but sporocarps of Elaphomyces chlorocarpus and E. symeae were not found there until the fifth month of the survey. Over 50 sporocarps of this species were collected on 7 subsequent occasions (Syme 1992, 1999; Fig. 9).

Fig. 9.

Examples of hypogeal sequestrate fungi collected in Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve. Truffles (a) Cortinarius basipurpureus; (b) Stephanospora occidentalis; (c) Zelleromyces sp.; (d) Amanita arenaria; (e) Castoreum radicatum; (f) Austrogautieria manjimupana; (g) Tylopilus sp. (= Pogiesperma tag name); (h) Labyrinthomyces varius (photographs K. Syme).


Opportunistic collections made in June 1998 under Gastrolobium bilobum and C. calophylla in and near Wave Sign Gully produced a range of hypogeous sequestrate fungi, including Zelleromyces daucinus, Descolea albus, Rossbeevera westraliensis, and four unknown species. Specimens of Hydnoplicata convoluta found in Firebreak Valley were recorded but not kept, being in poor condition. Various other species were found on forays at Hilltop, Tyiurrtmiirity/Gardner Lake and in areas near Fitzpatrick’s Track. A good canopy cover of Eucalyptus, Allocasuarina, and Gastrolobium species, long-established vegetation and fairly deep leaf litter was present in all these areas (Syme 1999, 2008).

In 2020, pellets of quokkas (Setonix brachyurus) and potoroos captured in traps were also examined for fungal spores, which demonstrated that fungi also form a part of the quokka diet (K. Syme, unpubl. data).

Fauna and fungi

Although fungal sporocarps are used as food by many small mammals, and the Potoroiidae are particularly important, they are also used by insects (Lawrence 1988) as fodder for developing larvae or as a location to find mates (lek sites), and by birds (Reichelt and May 1997; Simpson 2000; Elliott et al. 2019a) and lizards (Elliott et al. 2019b) as a fungal or insect dietary component. Some unique interactions have been uncovered, such as those of the Geotrupid beetles (Howden et al. 2007; Houston and Bougher 2010) and Tapiegaster flies (McAlpine and Kent 1982). Millions of fungal spores are dropped onto the soil and leaf litter, or fungal sporocarps decompose in the soil (hypogeal fungi), or rain filters spores into the ground, so it is perhaps not surprising that Reddell and Spain (1991) and Pelosi et al. (2024) found that species of earthworms could also act as vectors for viable propagules of mycorrhizal fungi. Earthworms also eat the fungal mycelium (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10.

Fungi and fauna. (a) Bite marks of small mammal in cap of a bolete; (b and d) Western Grey Kangaroo eating an Agaricus sporocarp that TL had just started to uncover; (c) Tapiegaster sp., a fungus fly on Laccaria lateritia; (e) Bluetongue lizard observed eating stinkhorn fungi; (f) Geotrupid beetle – raised sand as evidence of digging for a hypogeal fungus on which to lay its egg (photographs a, f, K. Syme; b, e, T. Lebel; d, A. Lebel; c, K. Brown).


In terms of soil and leaf litter turnover, however, it is the Potoroiidae that have been called ‘ecosystem engineers’ (Jones et al. 1994; Davies et al. 2019; Mitchell et al. 2024). The diggings by Potoroiidae have been shown to affect water penetration into soils, assist in breakdown of organic matter, movement of surface organic material to deeper parts of the soil horizon, and aid in providing micro-topography for seed germination and growth (Garkaklis et al. 1998, 2003; Valentine et al. 2017; Fleming 2018). What happens in the long term to the fungi if specialist mycophagous mammals are lost from an ecosystem, or the populations of these vectors become highly restricted? Other mammals, such as rats, swamp wallabies, and possums, can act as vectors of macrofungi in general, but also hypogeal sequestrate fungi in particular (Lamont et al. 1985; Vernes and McGrath 2009; Danks 2011; Vernes et al. 2015; Elliott et al. 2022). But can they really do the same job?

Fungi, habitats and fire

The moderate mediterranean climate with wet, mild winters and cool, dry summers (Hopkins et al. 2024) provide suitable conditions for a diverse array of fungi on different substrates. The relatively stable environment and geology are optimal for retention of macrofungi preferring older growth vegetation types. However, intense fires or short periods between fires can destroy substrates such as leaf litter and even large woody debris, affect mycorrhizal associations, and reduce colonisation from nearby areas. This can radically change the macrofungal diversity and changes in diversity over time as successional transitions in habitat occur (Robinson et al. 2008; McMullan-Fisher et al. 2011).

Studies of fire disturbance and the foraging of mycophagous marsupials reveal that although fire may promote the fruiting of some hypogeous fungi (Claridge et al. 1993, 2000) and favour the growth of other kinds of macrofungi (Robinson and Bougher 2003), in unburnt areas a greater diversity of fungi, indicated by spores in pellet samples, is foraged by these animals (Taylor 1991; Johnston 1995, 1997; Claridge et al. 2001; Vernes and Haydon 2001; Vernes et al. 2001, 2004; Nguyen et al. 2005; Danks 2011). This has implications for management of food resources for rare and threatened mammals, and the fungi that require longer unburnt, well established vegetation (Johnston 1995, 1997; Robinson et al. 2008; McMullan-Fisher et al. 2011).

In Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve, the entire peninsula, dominated by Maardjitup Gurlin/Mt Gardner, was protected from fire for 35–40 years and the topography (gullies of dense vegetation girdled by bare granite) served to prevent the incursion of fires for even longer periods in restricted areas. However, fire burnt through areas of the Reserve, including key potoroo habitat, in 2015. When comparing records of macrofungi from pre-2015 to post 2015, there was a 53% decrease in species diversity, and a 38% decrease in collections. However, this number should be considered with care, as the intensity of surveying was much greater in the 1990s than in the decades afterwards.

Further research

For particular groups of fungi such as truffle-like or sequestrate fungi, the loss of dispersal agents such as the mycophagous Ngilgaitch/Gilbert’s potoroo, and generalist quokka, bandicoots (Isoodon obesulus), possums (Trichosurus vulpecula), or bush rats (Rattus fuscipes) could have long term impacts not only on dispersal and diversity of the fungi, but also on the recovery after fire and overall health of mycorrhizal associations and thus the amazing mosaic of vegetation types that exist in Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve. Fungi are dependent for their survival on organic matter that is either dead or part of living organisms. If the latter, they are parasitic or, as much more usual with the macrofungi, symbiotic. Consequently, any management policies that encourage tree growth, and favour accumulation of organic matter (leaf litter and stick and large woody debris) in and on the soil will maintain a rich fungal flora, and thus the food resource of rare mammals (Dixon et al. 2019). The contributions that macrofungi make to ecosystem processes and services such as the accumulation, use and transfer of essential nutrients, recycling of nutrients from dead and living organic matter, and as food sources for other organisms are a key but often overlooked part of healthy ecosystems (Niego et al. 2023). Unburnt areas of the Reserve reveal a richer fungal flora; encouraging protection from fire in other isolated reserves along the coast would help to preserve and encourage fungal diversity and potentially increase habitats for mammal vectors. We consider that perhaps 40% of macrofungal diversity of the Reserve has been discovered, but have names for only about 25%, thus there is still a big gap in our knowledge. The continuing low number of mycologists employed by Australian herbaria (fewer than 10) or universities has a major impact on the lack of taxonomic resources and research on Australian macrofungi.

Data availability

Data supporting this study are available as part of this paper, and the Atlas of Living Australia for raw records from the Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve.

Conflicts of interest

Living authors K. Syme and T. Lebel declare no conflicts of interest. Deceased author R. N. Hilton had no known conflicts of interest at the time of original submission of the predecessor of this paper.

Declaration of funding

This paper received no specific funding. However, see acknowledgements for funding support received for specific fungal projects in the Reserve.


R. N. Hilton was the sole contributor to the original version of this paper, which was written for a special bulletin of CALMScience on the natural history of Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve. The paper was subject to peer review, revised, and accepted for publication in 1991. Then in 1998 K. Syme was asked by R. N. Hilton to revise and update the manuscript, however neither the paper nor the special bulletin was ever published. In resurrecting the papers collected for the special bulletin, in order to publish them over 30 years later in this collection of Pacific Conservation Biology, with R. N. Hilton dead, K. Syme and T. Lebel brought the paper up to date. R. N. Hilton would have met criteria for authorship if alive, so he is included as an author in this paper. Extensive updating was required to bring the original fungal flora species lists and names to current knowledge, also examination of herbarium collections to confirm changes to identifications and names. The structure and content of the original manuscript was also updated to modern standards expected of current scientific journals. Given the revisionary work entailed, and first round of updating of the manuscript in 1998, it was decided that KS should become senior co-author. For assistance received on fungi lists, for editing, suggestions and help in many ways, our grateful thanks to Dr Mark Brundrett, Neil Coy (deceased), and Dr Tom May. K. Syme gained useful information on potoroos and truffles during time spent with Dr Andrew Claridge and Dr James Trappe in Canberra in 1999. Thanks also to Dr Matt Barrett, Dr Neale Bougher, Tania Butler, Dr Jackie Courtenay, Sandra McKenzie, but especially to Alan Danks who was Reserve Manager when K. Syme first visited Two Peoples Bay and who introduced her to many of its special areas. During the three main fungal surveys (1991–1992, 1998–1999), K. Syme received the generous help of many dedicated volunteers and is particularly grateful for the help and encouragement provided by Alex Syme (deceased) and Mary Hart over the years. The two major fungi studies would have not been made possible without funding assistance from the National Estate Grants Program (1991–1992) and the Worldwide Fund for Nature, Australia through the Threatened Species Network (1998–1999) and the help of the committee and volunteers at the Denmark Environment Centre. The South Coast NRM Biodiversity Inventory (2006–2008) was guided by a steering group held jointly with the Department of Environment and Conservation, Albany. The 2020 project was funded by the Western Australian government’s State NRM Program through a Community Stewardship Grant to the Gilbert’s Potoroo Action Group (Dr Jacqueline Courtenay). Finally, we greatly appreciate the efforts of the Editor of the special issue, D. Saunders, and reviewers for their constructive comments and quick turnaround.


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