Can citizen science fill knowledge gaps for the world’s most speciose and poorly-known insular amphibian fauna?
Paul M. Oliver
Tropical regions host the richest, yet most poorly known and threatened concentrations of biodiversity on the planet. Citizen science is increasingly viewed as a strategy to help fill these key data gaps. However, inadequate taxonomic frameworks, social inequities, and poor infrastructure may all constrain this potential.
To examine how effectively citizen science data from iNaturalist fills gaps in knowledge about the distribution, species richness and conservation status of a megadiverse tropical biota, namely the frogs of Melanesia (New Guinea and nearby islands).
We identified all records of Melanesian frogs on iNaturalist to species or genus where possible. Species distributions on iNaturalist were then compared to existing distribution maps and records to identify range extensions, and the IUCN Red List conservation status of any species not currently considered Least Concern was assessed based on new distributional information.
We estimate that around 125 described Melanesian frog species (23% of the total fauna) have been recorded on iNaturalist, including putative range extensions for at least 42 species. Based on these new data we recommend updating IUCN Red List assessments for nearly 20 previously Not Evaluated, Data Deficient, or Vulnerable species. Many records cannot be identified to species, and this issue is compounded by a mismatch between the area best-known scientifically (Papua New Guinea) and the area from which the majority of citizen science records originate (Indonesia).
Citizen science has clear potential to fill some key knowledge gaps for poorly-known tropical biotas, but does not obviate the need for baseline survey and taxonomic work based on voucher specimens with associated tissues.
Based on our experience, we make recommendations that may increase the impact of citizen science data for poorly-known biotas.
Abstrak (Bahasa Indonesia)
Wilayah tropis memiliki konsentrasi keanekaragaman hayati yang paling kaya, tetapi paling sedikit diketahui dan paling terancam di planet ini. Citizen science semakin dianggap sebagai strategi untuk membantu mengisi beberapa kesenjangan data ini, namun belum cukupnya kerangka taksonomi, kesenjangan social, dan infrastruktur yang buruk mungkin menghambat potensi ini.
Kami memeriksa kefektifan data Citizen science dari iNaturalist dalam mengisi kesenjangan pengetahuan tentang distribusi, kekayaan jenis, dan status konservasi biota tropis yang sangat beragam, yaitu Katak dari Papua Nugini dan pulau-pulau terdekatnya (Melanesia).
Jika memungkinkan, kami mengidentifikasi semua catatan katak Melanesia di iNaturalist hingga pada level jenis atau marga. Sebaran jenis pada iNaturalist kemudian dibandingkan dengan peta dan catatan distribusi yang ada untuk mengidentifikasi perluasan wilayah sebaran, dan jenis apa pun yang saat ini tidak dianggap sebagai risiko rendah dalam status konservasi jenis di daftar merah IUCN dinilai berdasarkan informasi distribusinya terbaru.
Kami memperkirakan bahwa sekitar 125 jenis Katak Melanesia yang telah dideskripsikan (23% dari total fauna) telah tercatat di iNaturalist, termasuk perluasan potensi sebaran untuk setidaknya 42 jenis. Berdasarkan data baru ini, kami merekomendasikan status konservasi IUCN yang diperbarui untuk hampir 20 jenis yang sebelumnya Tidak Dinilai, Kurang Data, atau Rentan. Banyak catatan tidak dapat diidentifikasi hingga ke jenis, dan masalah ini diperparah oleh ketidakcocokan antara wilayah yang paling dikenal secara ilmiah (Papua Nugini) dan wilayah asal sebagian besar catatan citizen science (Indonesia).
Citizen science memiliki potensi yang jelas untuk mengisi beberapa kesenjangan pengetahuan utama untuk biota tropis yang kurang dikenal, tetapi tidak menghilangkan kebutuhan akan survei dasar dan pekerjaan taksonomi dengan spesimen voucher.
Berdasarkan pengalaman kami, kami membuat beberapa rekomendasi spesifik yang dapat meningkatkan dampak data citizen science untuk biota yang kurang dikenal.
Keywords: Data Deficient, frogs, iNaturalist, Indonesia, IUCN conservation status, Melanesia, Papua New Guinea, range extension, taxonomy.
Citizen science is a rapidly growing source of biodiversity information for scientific research and conservation planning (Amano et al. 2016; Roger et al. 2023). Easily accessible online platforms are increasingly underpinning regional biotic inventories in poorly-known areas (Suprayitno et al. 2022; Wangyal et al. 2022), detection of changes in the distribution of both invasive and non-invasive species (Pecl et al. 2019; Rowley et al. 2019), and even aspects of species discovery and description (Donnellan et al. 2023; Otani et al. 2024). Citizen science platforms may be particularly good for addressing knowledge gaps for rare or sporadically active species, or species that occur in areas that are populated but rarely visited by scientists (Roger et al. 2023). Carefully targeted and well-curated citizen science data are also informing inference of threat status for species of conservation concern (Farquhar et al. 2023).
Based on its successes, scientists and managers now view citizen science as one key strategy to help address some biodiversity knowledge gaps. However, this understanding is tempered by evidence that there are also many social, economic, and logistic constraints on the collection and use of data through citizen science (Collen et al. 2008; Amano and Sutherland 2013; Kass et al. 2022). The strengths and weakness of citizen science are particularly apparent in many tropical regions. These areas are home to the richest (Raz et al. 2024) yet most threatened and poorly-known concentrations of biodiversity on the planet (Amano and Sutherland 2013; Carlen et al. 2024) and as such, even casual observations have great potential to rapidly advance knowledge. However, in areas with low human development scores and relatively poor infrastructure, impediments to the effective use of citizen science platforms are also most pervasive (Daru and Rodriguez 2023; Carlen et al. 2024; López-Guillén et al. 2024). Identification of citizen science records for many taxa is further constrained by inadequate taxonomic frameworks and a shortage of expertise (the taxonomic impediment), issues that are again more pervasive in tropical biotas (Kass et al. 2022). In the context of these challenges, targeted reviews of how effectively citizen science is filling knowledge gaps in diverse tropical faunas may help to identify key strengths and weaknesses, and inform strategies to overcome or mitigate the latter.
Melanesia spans from eastern Indonesia around the islands of Maluku through to Fiji. The region is dominated by New Guinea, the world’s largest and highest tropical island that is home to the world’s most diverse insular frog, bird, and plant biotas (Camara-Leret et al. 2020; Oliver et al. 2022; Prasetya et al. 2023). The great biotic richness of Melanesia is juxtaposed against an incomplete biotic inventory with substantial gaps in taxonomic knowledge and distributional sampling for a range of different taxa (Camara-Leret et al. 2020; Kass et al. 2022; Oliver et al. 2022). These data gaps reflect long-term and ongoing logistical and social constraints on fieldwork in Melanesia (Camara-Leret et al. 2020). However, while most of Melanesia remains difficult to access for professional scientists, parts of the region are becoming increasingly developed and more accessible to tourists and other visitors (Tiku and Shimizu 2020). Access to mobile networks and smartphones across the region is also improving, although still patchy, providing opportunities for citizen science to fill biodiversity knowledge gaps in some parts of Melanesia (Maharani et al. 2022, 2023).
The frog fauna of Melanesia is exceptionally species-rich, with over 540 recognised species, and an estimated total exceeding 700 species (Oliver et al. 2022). Many of these appear to have localised distributions, making frogs arguably the best vertebrate group for understanding patterns of finer-scale endemism and turnover between regions of Melanesia (Kraus 2021; Dahl et al. 2023). However, the distributions of many species remain poorly understood, and a high proportion of the Melanesian frog fauna is assessed as Data Deficient on the IUCN Red List when compared with frog faunas of other tropical regions (Oliver et al. 2022). Many Melanesian frog species are also difficult to distinguish from each other without detailed comparisons of morphological, genetic, and/or acoustic features; and the number of taxonomic specialists with expertise in Melanesian frogs is very limited. However, in many ways, frogs are suited for targeting by citizen scientists because they are relatively small, approachable, easy to photograph, and can often be identified by calls that can be recorded on a smartphone (Rowley et al. 2019). Citizen science approaches have proven effective for compiling up-to-date and comprehensive distributional data for many species of frogs in nearby Australia (Rowley et al. 2019; Cutajar and Rowley 2022; Donnellan et al. 2023).
Here, we undertook a review and synthesis of records for Melanesian frogs that have been uploaded to the citizen science portal iNaturalist ( to better understand how effectively these publicly available data on citizen science platforms are filling knowledge gaps for this megadiverse but poorly-known fauna. We focus on the ability of these data to address the Wallacean shortfall (gaps in knowledge of distribution) and the degree to which gaps in taxonomic knowledge and capacity (the taxonomic impediment) impede identification of records. We also examine the capacity for iNaturalist records to improve knowledge of the conservation status of poorly-known frogs, especially Data Deficient species. Based on these syntheses, we highlight some strengths and limitations of citizen science platforms, and make a number of recommendations to strengthen the capacity of citizen scientists to fill knowledge gaps in poorly-known tropical regions such as Melanesia.
Materials and methods
We use the term Melanesia to refer to the region comprising New Guinea and islands to both the east (Solomon Islands) and west (Halmahera, Ceram, Buru, and surrounding islands) (Oliver et al. 2022). Although this definition differs from some other studies (especially on birds; e.g. Mayr and Diamond (2001)), it captures a biogeographically allied and relatively cohesive frog fauna that is dominated by two largely endemic radiations, the Asterophryinae and the Pelodryadidae (Oliver et al. 2022). For convenience this study excludes Fiji, which has a depauperate and relatively well-known frog biota.
We vetted all photographic records of Melanesian frogs uploaded to iNaturalist in the period up to and including 31 January 2024. Major contributors of Melanesian frog records to iNaturalist were invited to be co-authors. We follow the generic and species-level taxonomy used by AmphibiaWeb (, accessed 31 January 2024). This largely matches with the taxonomy of iNaturalist, with one difference being that we do not use the genus Ranoidea, and instead follow the traditional framework of recognising two genera of pelodryadid treefrogs in Melanesia, specifically Nyctimystes (sensu stricto as it applies to the radiation of torrent-breeding species with vertical pupils) and Litoria (all other species).
Where possible, we identified iNaturalist records to genus and species using external characters visible in photos. Identifications were based on our own experience with the Melanesian fauna supplemented by reference to relevant taxonomic literature where needed. Images of species that were difficult to identify were typically reviewed by two or more of the authors. To aid identifications, the people who uploaded images to iNaturalist were sometimes contacted to request additional information on ecology, calls, or localities. Images that were of insufficient quality or failed to illustrate sufficient diagnostic characters to permit confident assignment to a known (named or unnamed) species were typically identified to the level of genus (or more rarely just to family). Images of frogs determined to represent species that are new to science were also only identified to the level of genus.
As much as possible, we confirmed or suggested identifications on iNaturalist. However, because of the weighting system used by iNaturalist updated species identifications were sometimes downweighted and do not always show up as preferred names as of the time of writing.
We mapped the distributional data for all Melanesian frog species confirmed on iNaturalist as of 31 January 2024 using the online portal Simplemappr (, and distributions were then compared against data from the IUCN Red List assessments, original descriptions, field guides and other published resources to identify potential range extensions. Candidate range extensions were then reviewed in more detail, including further checks on species identifications and checks on the accuracy of distributional data on iNaturalist to confirm that iNaturalist records represented genuinely new distributional knowledge. We considered a single ‘site’ or ‘locality’ as having a maximum latitudinal and longitudinal range of <10 km or <0.1°, as outlined by Meiri et al. (2018). Accordingly in our final analysis, any records that we were confident were made >10 km from previously known localities were considered range extensions. In most cases, range extensions greatly exceeded spatial error associated with iNaturalist records, but where there was uncertainty, we checked with the uploader of the record.
Species with confirmed range extensions that are currently listed in one of the threatened categories (Critically Endangered, Endangered, and Vulnerable) or in the category Data Deficient were reassessed, while newly described species were assessed for the first time, using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria following protocols outlined in Oliver et al. (2022) and Luedtke et al. (2023). Data on population trends are not available for any of these species, so threat assessments were largely based around revised estimates for extent of occurrence coupled with the extent of habitat loss and degradation (Criteria B).
Of the 1347 photographic frog records from the study region publicly available on iNaturalist as of 31 January 2024, 1341 were identified to family, 1340 were identified to a genus, and 1104 were provisionally identified to a species. Based on these records, images of at least 125 described species of frog found in the Melanesian region have been uploaded to iNaturalist, representing 23.6% of the 552 species recognised from the region as of 31 January 2024. Records from Indonesia (68.3%) far outnumbered records from Papua New Guinea (28.1%) and the Solomon Islands (3.6%) (Fig. 1a, b). Within Indonesia, records were concentrated into a small number of relatively accessible areas, including Halmahera and Obi, the Raja Ampat Islands (and especially Waigeo), parts of the Vogelkop Peninsula, and around the townships of Timika and Jayapura (Fig. 1b). Records from portions of the Central Cordillera in Indonesia were very sparse. Records from Papua New Guinea were more evenly spread across the country, although there was again a clear concentration of records around the national capital, Port Moresby (Fig. 1b).
Distribution of iNaturalist records for Melanesian frogs uploaded before 31 January 2024. (a) Overall distribution of records and (b) clustering of records for the four most diverse families of frogs in Melanesia. The dominance of records from the Vogelkop Peninsula and Waigeo Island is apparent in both maps. Notes: spatial accuracy of records on iNaturalist varies, so these figures should be seen as broad regional summaries.

Only four species were recorded more than 50 times, comprising two native species (Litoria infrafrenata (n = 163) and Cornufer papuensis (n = 83), and the introduced toads Duttaphrynus melanostictus (n = 86) and Rhinella marina (n = 86)). Together, these four species made up around 30% of records. All other species were represented by less than 50 records each, and usually less than ten records (range, 1–44; mean, 6; median, 3).
Among frog families native to Melanesia, Limnodynastidae had the highest percentage of records identifiable to species (100% of 21 records identified) followed by Pelodryadidae (96.4% of 490 records identified) (Table 1). The families Ranidae (83.0% of 188 records identified) and Ceratobatrachidae (81.5% of 216 records identified) were more challenging to identify, despite being only moderately species-rich (each comprising less than 60 recognised species in the study area). Identification of Microhylidae presented the greatest challenge (48.6% of 261 records identified).
Family | No. records | No. species | Identified to species | Species uncertain | Papua New Guinea | Indonesia | Solomon Islands | |
Bufonidae | 136 | 2 | 136 (100%) | _ | 39.0% | 49.3% | 11.0% | |
Ceratobatrachidae | 216 | 14 | 176 (81.5%) | 40 (18.5%) | 17.1% | 71.8% | 11.1% | |
Dicroglossidae | 29 | 3 | 14 (46.9%) | 15 (53.1%) | _ | 100% | _ | |
Limnodynastidae | 21 | 2 | 21 (100%) | _ | 28.6% | 71.4% | _ | |
Microhylidae | 260 | 40 | 126 (48.7%) | 134 (51.3%) | 40.2% | 59.9% | _ | |
Ranidae | 188 | 14 | 156 (83%) | 32 (17.0%) | 31.2% | 68.8% | _ | |
Rhacophoridae | 1 | 1 | 1 (100%) | _ | _ | 100% | _ | |
Pelodryadidae | 490 | 49 | 474 (96.6%) | 16 (3.4%) | 23.8% | 75.2% | 1.0% | |
Total | 1341A | 125 | 1104 | 17.9% | 28.1% | 68.3% | 3.6% |
In most cases where we could not identify a record to species, it was because we were simply unsure of whether the image was of a described or undescribed species. In contrast, we identified only a relatively small number of records that we are confident represent undescribed species; these were most obvious in the pelodryadids where records included at least six species from Indonesia that we consider as likely undescribed (see examples in Fig. 2a–d).
Examplar images of Melanesian frogs uploaded to iNaturalist that represent likely undescribed species. All records are from Indonesia. (a) Litoria sp., which is an undescribed species from Halmahera that was already known to us, (b–d) three different Litoria sp. from various sites in the Central Cordillera in Indonesia that we were unable to ascribe to any known described species or candidate species. Photo credit: (a–d), C. Lee.

Range extensions are inferred for around a third of the species recorded (42/125) (Table 2), including 12 Data Deficient species, one Vulnerable species (Litoria rueppelli) and five recently described species that have not previously been assessed (four of which were previously only known from a single site) (see Fig. 3a–f for examples). Based on new information on extent of occurrence (EOO) and habitat usage, we conclude that 15 of these previously Data Deficient, Vulnerable, and Not Evaluated species should now be considered Least Concern, one remains Data Deficient, and two should be considered Near Threatened based on their small known range and proximity to plausible threats.
Species | Family | Red list category | Details of extension | |
Duttaphrynus melanostictus | Bufonidae | LC | Introduced species expanding in western New Guinea (Indonesia) | |
Rhinella marina | Bufonidae | LC | Introduced species spreading in PNG | |
Cornufer batantae | Ceratobatrachidae | LC | First records from mainland, from area around Sorong, likely species complex | |
Cornufer punctatus | Ceratobatrachidae | LC | New records fill previous gap in known range on the Vogelkop Peninsula | |
Fejervarya cancrivora | Dicroglossidae | LC | Identification to species uncertain, but genus expanding range in western New Guinea | |
Fejervarya limnocharis | Dicroglossidae | LC | Identification to species uncertain, but genus expanding range in western New Guinea | |
Platyplectrum platyceps | Limnodynastidae | LC | Range extension to western edge of Vogelkop Peninsula | |
Asterophrys pullifer | Microhylidae | DD (LC) | Range extensions across the Vogelkop Peninsula | |
Asterophrys turpicola | Microhylidae | LC | Extension onto western edge of Vogelkop Penisula and Waigeo | |
Austrochaperina gracilipes | Microhylidae | LC | First records from Indonesia, extending range into area around Merauke | |
Callulops boettgeri | Microhylidae | DD (NT) | Range extension to north-east Halmahera | |
Cophixalus montanus | Microhylidae | DD (NT) | Slight extension north of previous localities on Halmahera | |
Cophixalus rajampatensis | Microhylidae | DD (LC) | Extending known range on Waigeo, formerly known only from type locality | |
Cophixalus salawatiensis | Microhylidae | DD (LC) | Vogelkop Peninsula, previously known only from Salawati island | |
Cophixalus tetzlaffi | Microhylidae | DD (LC) | Extension to area near Sorong, possible species complex | |
Hylophorbus picoides | Microhylidae | LC | Extension onto Vogelkop Peninsula | |
Oreophryne frontifasciata | Microhylidae | DD (LC) | Extensions across Halmahera and Obi island | |
Xenorhina salawati | Microhylidae | NE (LC) | Vogelkop Peninsula, previously known only from Salawati island | |
Litoria amnicola | Pelodryadidae | NE (LC) | Vogelkop Peninsula, previously known only from Salawati island | |
Litoria darlingtoni | Pelodryadidae | LC | First publicly available records from Indonesia | |
Litoria dorsivena | Pelodryadidae | LC | Large eastwards range extension into Eastern Highlands Province, PNG | |
Litoria elkeae | Pelodryadidae | LC | Records from Raja Ampats and Vogelkop Peninsula, identification tentative | |
Litoria havina | Pelodryadidae | LC | Range extensions onto Vogelkop Peninsula | |
Litoria micromembrana | Pelodryadidae | LC | First record from Indonesia, large range extension along Central Cordillera | |
Litoria mira | Pelodryadidae | NE (LC) | First publicly available records from Indonesia | |
Litoria multicolor | Pelodryadidae | DD (LC) | Range extensions onto Vogelkop Peninsula | |
Litoria nigropunctata | Pelodryadidae | LC | Confirm presence in Vogelkop Peninsula, likely a species complex | |
Litoria pinnochio | Pelodryadidae | NE (LC) | Range extension into lowland habitats near Jayapura | |
Litoria pratti | Pelodryadidae | DD (LC) | Extension of range in Arfak Mountains, likely species complex | |
Litoria pronimia | Pelodryadidae | LC | Extension onto Vogelkop Peninsula and Waigeo, likely species complex | |
Litoria prora | Pelodryadidae | LC | Extension onto Fakfak Peninsula | |
Litoria pterodactyla | Pelodryadidae | NE (LC) | Extension into Gulf Province, PNG | |
Litoria rueppelli | Pelodryadidae | VU (LC) | Range extension onto Obi Island, and eastern Halmahera | |
Litoria verae | Pelodryadidae | DD (LC) | Extension around Nabire confident, ID of animals from Fakfak Peninsula less certain | |
Nyctimystes montanus | Pelodryadidae | DD (LC) | Extension to west in Arfak Mountains, distinctiveness from N. pulcher uncertain | |
Nyctimystes pulcher | Pelodryadidae | LC | Extension to Arfak Mountains | |
Hylarana erythraea | Ranidae | LC | Introduced human commensal, first record from New Guinea at Jayapura | |
Papurana aurata | Ranidae | DD (LC) | Extension onto Vogelkop Peninsula, likely species complex | |
Papurana daemeli | Ranidae | LC | Records from Raja Ampats, likely species complex | |
Papurana moluccana | Ranidae | LC | Range extension onto Morotai | |
Papurana volkerjane | Ranidae | LC | Range extension onto Vogelkop and area around Timika, likely species complex | |
Polypedates leucomystax | Rhacophoridae | LC | Introduced human commensal species, first records from New Guinea at Jayapura |
Red List categories: LC, Least Concern; DD, Data Deficient; NT, Near Threatened; VU, Vulnerable; NE, Not Evaluated. Suggested updated IUCN Red List categories based on new data are provided in bold in brackets.
Examplar images of Melanesian frogs uploaded to iNaturalist that represent range extensions. All records are from Indonesia. (a) Asterophrys pullifer from Waigeo Island (~450 km westwards range extension), (b) Austrochaperina gracilipes from Merauke area (first publicly available records from Indonesia, ~50 km westwards range extension), (c) Cophixalus salawatiensis (identified by image plus call) from east of Sorong (100 km range extension), (d) Litoria multicolor from northern edge of the Vogelkop Peninsula (~350 km westwards range extension), (e) Litoria pinocchio (identified by image plus call) from near Jayapura (~150 km eastwards range extension), and (f) Litoria verae from south of Nabire (~100 km eastwards range extension). Photo credit: b, e–f (C. Lee); a, c–d (J. Dashper).

iNaturalist records provide the first evidence of the widespread human-associated species Hylarana erythraea and Polypedates leucomystax from mainland New Guinea. Two toad species that are well established in New Guinea also continue to spread in the east (Rhinella marinus) and west (Duttophrynus melanostictus) of the island, respectively. The former species is now present in several areas in Western Province that are close to the border with Indonesia, suggesting it may cross this border soon (if it has not already). Fejervarya spp. also appear to be spreading into new areas of western New Guinea, such as the area around Timika. Two morphologically similar invasive species (Fejervarya cancrivora and Fejervarya limnocharis) are known in the genus and it is uncertain whether one or two species are present.
iNaturalist records also provide the first publicly available photos of several species that were until recently only known from specimens collected many decades ago. Examples include Callulops boettegeri from Halmahera, and possibly Nyctimystes montanus and Litoria pratti from the Arfak Mountains. Records on iNaturalist also demonstrate that Litoria rueppelli (currently listed as Vulnerable) from Halmahera and Obi is an explosive breeder in which breeding males exhibit temporary sexual dimorphism (Fig. 4). Males of this species are typically brown, but Images from Obi Island taken at 09:30 hours on 19 November 2022 show a dense aggregation of over 40 males showing bright yellow colouration clustered around a pond (Fig. 4). One image shows a bright-yellow male mating with what we presume is a dark-brown female (Fig. 4c). Based on observations by one of the authors (JCT) at the time, there were more than 140 males in this aggregation.
(a–c) Photographs from Obi Island, Indonesia, uploaded to iNaturalist that provide evidence that Litoria rueppelli is an explosive breeder that exhibits temporary male dimorphism. Males of this species are normally brown, but these images show a large aggregation of bright yellow males calling (a–b), and a bright yellow male in amplexus with a dark-brown animal that is presumably female (c). Photo credit: Joseph C. Thompson.

Our synthesis of citizen science records for Melanesian frogs illustrates the potential for platforms such as iNaturalist to help address knowledge gaps and improve understanding of the conservation status of species from poorly-known biotas (Suprayitno et al. 2022; Wangyal et al. 2022). However, it also highlights how logistic and social constraints combine with knowledge gaps such as the taxonomic impediment to place major constraints on the collection and use of citizen science data.
Citizen science and the Wallacean shortfall
Nearly a third of the Melanesian frog species we identified on iNaturalist, were represented by distributional data including range extensions. For some taxa such as Litoria dorsivena, Litoria multicolor, and Litoria pinocchio, iNaturalist records extended known distributions more than a hundred kilometres from previous records (Günther 2004; Oliver et al. 2019a, 2023). The vast majority of these range extensions are from Indonesia, which has undergone increasing development and where access to previously inaccessible regions (Gaveau et al. 2021), especially for tourists, has increased markedly in recent decades (Tiku and Shimizu 2020). Significantly, the range extensions reported here include new locations for at least 15 taxa that were, as far as we are aware, previously only known from their type localities. For ten taxa, expanded estimates of EOO are likely to allow the re-evaluation of their IUCN status from Data Deficient into Least Concern, while one species will likely be downlisted from Vulnerable to Least Concern. These results emphasise the potential for platforms like iNaturalist to fill gaps in knowledge of species’ conservation status in poorly-known but increasingly accessible tropical areas. Especially valuable in this case is better informed assessment of the status of species in the indeterminate Data Deficient category (Borgelt et al. 2022).
We also suspect that the efforts of data contributors to iNaturalist (sometimes combined with recent surveys by scientists) now provide a near-complete inventory of the frog species diversity for some areas of eastern Indonesia. This is especially so for some of the Raja Ampat Islands and Maluku Province regions that were identified as priority areas for assessing patterns of frog diversity and endemism in a previous study (Oliver et al. 2022). Going forward, this information on contemporary frog communities may prove to be valuable for understanding actual or potential impacts of environmental change. Many islands in Maluku (especially Halmahera and Obi) are being heavily impacted by resource extraction (Voigt et al. 2021) and iNaturalist records enable improved estimation of the distributions of endemic species that may be impacted by these changes. In a similar vein, communities of stream-breeding pelodryadid treefrogs in montane areas of Australia have been decimated by the frog pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bower et al. 2017). If this pathogen colonises New Guinea, iNaturalist records of Litoria and Nyctimystes will provide one of the few publicly accessible datapoints we have for assessing whether species are disappearing or massively declining, especially in the otherwise very poorly-known Arfak Mountains in the west of New Guinea.
Our synthesis highlights a mismatch between the area of origin for most iNaturalist records (Indonesia, and especially the Vogelkop region, Raja Ampat Islands and Halmahera) (Table 1) and the areas with the scientifically best-documented biotas (Papua New Guinea) (Oliver et al. 2022). This provides a regional scale demonstration of the tendency for the distribution of observational records to overlap poorly with the distribution of voucher specimens (Daru and Rodriguez 2023). Much of the numerical dominance of Indonesian records is underpinned by ecotourists and naturalists (many of whom are co-authors of this paper) undertaking dedicated trips with a primary focus to document biodiversity through photography. There is also a stronger history of engagement with iNaturalist in Indonesia (Maharani et al. 2022, 2023; Suprayitno et al. 2022) than in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. These mismatches and biases highlight the extent to which citizen science is likely or unlikely to fill distributional data gaps. The overall distribution of iNaturalist records from across Melanesia remains patchy and highly concentrated in a small number of relatively accessible areas, while large areas remain poorly known or completely unsampled. Given major logistical and safety challenges confronting those wishing to access some of these areas, it will remain challenging for citizen science to fill many of these gaps.
Citizen science and the taxonomic impediment
Melanesia typifies many tropical regions in that taxonomic diversity is underestimated and taxonomic expertise is limited (Camara-Leret et al. 2020). We expected that this would place a major constraint on our ability to identify records on iNaturalist, and that there would be many records of distinctive new species. This was only partially the case; we were able to identify a significant majority (82%) of frog records to species level. However, many of these records represent common and widespread species. In contrast, identification challenges are profound for microhylid frogs, with only around half of records identified to species. This family includes well over half of Melanesian frog diversity (Oliver et al. 2022), and many species are small, cryptically coloured and embedded in radiations of similar species. The families Ceratobatrachidae and Ranidae are less species-rich and easier to find in the field but also contain numerous morphologically similar species that are difficult to tell apart from photographs. As a result, these species were also often hard to identify. These patterns of uncertainty reflect a general and predictable trend that citizen science datasets tend to be better at filling knowledge gaps for larger, more easily detectable, and more visually distinct species (Daru and Rodriguez 2023); in this case, best represented by the treefrogs (Pelodryadidae) and two common and relatively large introduced species of toads.
We also emphasise that even when we have identified records to species, there is high likelihood that future research will require many identifications to be reassessed. The morphological variation exhibited by specimens illustrated on iNaturalist suggests that some nominal species recorded in this synthesis may in fact be species complexes. Examples include Cornufer batantae, Litoria arfakiana, Litoria nigropunctata, Litoria pratti, Litoria pronimia, Litoria prora, and many species of Papurana. In these problematic groups, we typically took a conservative approach and considered images showing the key diagnostic features for any named species to be conspecific. We are certain that this is underestimating diversity, especially given growing evidence that morphologically similar complexes of cryptic species are widespread in Melanesian frogs (Oliver et al. 2019b; Sulaeman et al. 2021; Ferreira et al. 2023). Many of these probable species complexes were also amongst the most frequently recorded frogs, especially in the Vogelkop Peninsula and Raja Ampat islands. These problematic taxa highlight the ongoing importance of and need for taxonomic work to provide a framework for citizen science. They also suggest that targeting scarce taxonomic efforts and resources towards difficult-to-identify, but commonly recorded frogs may be one way to maximise its impact and return-on-investment.
Surprisingly, there were only a relatively small number of iNaturalist records that we confidently assigned to unrecognised species (as opposed to described species or potential species complexes). Indeed, there were only four Litoria records that we believe represent candidate species that were not included in previous estimates of the total species richness of frogs in Melanesia (e.g. Oliver et al. 2022). This overall paucity of clearly distinct and undescribed species may reflect genuine absence. However, it is perhaps more likely that it stems from the combination of a bias towards iNaturalist records coming from areas that are less remote, a bias towards uploading taxa that are more obvious and better known, our own knowledge gaps for key groups (and especially Microhylidae), and the afore-mentioned general tendency to lump together populations that in fact represent species complexes.
Our data highlight both opportunities and challenges in gathering and sharing citizen science data for poorly-known tropical regions like Melanesia. The economic and social impediments to using platforms like iNaturalist vary across the region, and reflect broader challenges facing conservation across Melanesia, and indeed much of the tropics. However, there are a number of steps that could be taken to maximise the value of platforms like iNaturalist in documenting poorly known tropical biotas.
First, having experts engaging with and providing feedback to data uploaders is critical for improving the quality of baseline information. We were able to provide or refine identifications for many records on iNaturalist, thus improving the comparative framework for identification of future uploads to iNaturalist and also improving the quality of data feeding into higher-level portals such as Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and the third IUCN Global Amphibian Assessment. By engaging with iNaturalist users around difficult-to-identify taxa, it also became clear that additional data on calls in particular, but also on size, elevation, ecology, and also images of key features such as webbing and aspects of colouration were sometimes available, but not uploaded. These data can be critical for identifying frogs. Accordingly, where wildlife regulations permit, we encourage contributors to consider taking and uploading additional data. This could include images of ventral surfaces, finger and toe webbing, hidden colouration on legs etc., information on body size, and most importantly, recordings of calls. We also encourage wildlife authorities from this region to maintain regulations that support and do not penalise interested locals and tourists for collecting and sharing this valuable information on wildlife.
Lack of access to taxonomic information for fieldworkers and citizen scientists in Melanesia is a major impediment to the usefulness of iNaturalist data because identifying Melanesian frogs remains problematic. A comprehensive field guide to Melanesian frogs could address some of these issues, but this is a massive task and unlikely to eventuate in the near future. A more practical short-term step would be to generate field guides and other identification resources for specific regions, and especially for the hotspots of iNaturalist activity such as Waigeo, Halmahera, and the Arfak Mountains. Uploading reference photos and calls of museum-lodged specimens (ideally also verified by calls and/or genetics) would also help to enable comparisons with field observations, and we have started that process with some recent scientific publications (Richards and Oliver 2024). Furthermore, as noted above, we suggest that a way to maximise taxonomic impact for effort may be achieved by focusing some scarce taxonomic resources towards species groups that are commonly uploaded to citizen science platforms but are difficult to identify and/or potentially undescribed.
There are also clear biases in who is uploading frog data from Melanesia to iNaturalist. A majority of data contributors hail from outside of the study area. Many of the key contributors of frog records also blur the boundaries between ‘citizen scientists’ and ‘professionals’. The most prominent contributors are scientists, professional wildlife photographers, and people involved in environmental surveys, monitoring, or management. There is a dominance of males in the people uploading records. The uptake of citizen science by nationals of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands is also limited compared to Indonesia. The existence of these sorts of biases is unsurprising and reflects well-known economic and social barriers to science engagement that are not easy to overcome (Carlen et al. 2024). In this context, we are reluctant to make sweeping but potentially impractical suggestions as to how these major societal issues can be addressed. However, we consider that a small step towards addressing some of these issues could be for regional universities, NGOs, and other conservation and development organisations working in Melanesia to look at building training and awareness of iNaturalist or similar platforms into their programs.
While emphasising the valuable contributions of citizen science to improving our knowledge of the Melanesian frog fauna, it is also important to discuss the risks of spreading the pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. This pathogen has devastated high-elevation populations of pelodryadid treefrogs and myobatrachid frogs in Australia, and on this basis, it must be assumed that related high-elevation frogs in New Guinea are similarly susceptible (Bower et al. 2017). Citizen scientists focusing on frogs are one potential vector for spreading this disease. However, there are many other potential vectors, including equipment for the resources-extraction industries and other kinds of tourism (Kok et al. 2022). In this context, we would argue that legislating to regulate frog photography specifically would be counterproductive and serve to minimally reduce threat, while also removing a source of both income for locals and information about frog communities in the region. However, all citizen scientists (not just those interested in frogs) accessing the region have a responsibility to follow strict chytrid quarantine protocols (e.g. Murray et al. 2011), and thoroughly clean, dry, and sterilise gear when travelling between sites and regions. This caution is particularly important when travelling into Melanesia from other areas of the world where B. dendrobatidis is now endemic.
Knowledge gaps for the Melanesian frog fauna (and indeed the Melanesia biota in general) are extreme, with large areas remaining little explored, many taxa known from one or few localities, and likely hundreds of additional species awaiting description (Oliver et al. 2022; Ferreira et al. 2024). Our synthesis of citizen science data for Melanesian frogs illustrates how this background creates potential for even a small number of observations to fill major gaps in our knowledge of distributions and conservation status. At the same time, incomplete taxonomic frameworks, sparse infrastructure, obvious geographic bias and social inequities constrain the utility of citizen science platforms to fill many knowledge gaps. Citizen science platforms do not remove the need for traditional survey and taxonomic work including collection of voucher specimens and tissues, but with ongoing engagement by professional scientists they do provide abundant scope to advance knowledge of diverse and poorly-known biotas.
Data availability
Raw data and our suggestions as to species identifications are all available on iNaturalist.
Declaration of funding
This work was supported by grant number DP240101534 from the Australian Research Council. This work was undertaken as part of the Work-Integrated-Learning (WIL) program at Griffith University, and with the support of the Queensland Museum.
We thank the many landowners from across the Melanesian region on whose land the records were collected. We thank the numerous iNaturalist users that have contributed records of Melanesian frogs, their records are valued and appreciated. We thank Alen Tanoyo and Fred Kraus for assistance with the identification of problematic records. Janice Chanson provided extensive assistance and advice on the IUCN conservation status assessment processes.
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