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Pacific Conservation Biology Pacific Conservation Biology Society
A journal dedicated to conservation and wildlife management in the Pacific region.

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Distribution and response of rats Rattus rattus, R. exulans to seedfall in New Zealand beech forests

Carolyn M. King and Henrik Moller
3(2) pp.143 - 155

41 articles found in Crossref database.

Prey switching by stoats (Mustela erminea): a supplemental food experiment
Smith Des H. V., Moller Henrik, Wilson Deborah J., Murphy Elaine C.
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The necessity of tailored control of irrupting pest populations driven by pulsed resources
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Notes on New Zealand mammals 7. An extension of the known range for pacific rat (Rattus exulans, kiore) in New Zealand
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New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 2008 35(2). p.189
Population biology of the ship rat and Norway rat in Pureora Forest Park, 1983–87
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Neighbourhood analyses of tree seed predation by introduced rodents in a New Zealand temperate rainforest
J. Wilson Deborah, F. Wright Elaine, D. Canham Charles, A. Ruscoe Wendy
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Heavy rimu (Dacrydium cupressinum) mast seeding and rat (Rattusspp.) population eruptions on Stewart Island/Rakiura
Harper Grant A.
New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 2005 32(3). p.155
Irruptive dynamics of invasive carnivores and prey populations, and predator control, affect kea survivorship across the Southern Alps
Kemp Joshua R., Young Laura, Mosen Corey, Bolitho Liam, Orr-Walker Tamsin, Yockney Ivor, Elliott Graeme
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The effects of mice on stoats in southern beech forests
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Predation on native birds in New Zealand beech forests: the role of functional relationships between Stoats Mustela erminea and rodents
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Modelling the distribution and interaction of introduced rodents on New Zealand offshore islands
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Foraging Ecology of Introduced Rodents in the Threatened Macaronesian Laurel Forest of São Miguel Island (Azores) and Contiguous Exotic Forests
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Neighbourhood analyses of tree seed predation by introduced rodents in a New Zealand temperate rainforest
J. Wilson Deborah, F. Wright Elaine, D. Canham Charles, A. Ruscoe Wendy
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Invasive rats on tropical islands: Their population biology and impacts on native species
Harper Grant A., Bunbury Nancy
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Carpenter Joanna K., Monks Adrian, Innes John, Griffiths James
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Ecological Monographs. 2015 85(2). p.157
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King Carolyn M., Powell Roger A.
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Abundance and Dynamics of Small Mammals in New Zealand: Sequential Invasions into an Island Ecosystem Like No Other
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An intercontinental comparison of the dynamic behavior of mast seeding communities
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Harris Holly A. L., Kelly Dave, Innes John, Allen Robert B.
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A new location record for kiore(Rattus exulans)on New Zealand's South Island
Ruscoe Wendy A.
New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 2004 31(1). p.1
Advances in New Zealand mammalogy 1990–2000: European rats
Innes John
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Spatial and temporal variation in tree seed production and dispersal in a New Zealand temperate rainforest
Canham Charles D., Ruscoe Wendy A., Wright Elaine F., Wilson Deborah J.
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Use of habitat by the black rat (Rattus rattus) at North Head, New South Wales: an observational and experimental study
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Variable detectability in long-term population surveys of small mammals
Watkins Alison Fern, McWhirter Judith L., King Carolyn M.
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Use of habitat by the black rat (Rattus rattus) at North Head, New South Wales: an observational and experimental study
Cox Michelle P. G., Cox Chris R. Dickman and Warren G.
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Population dynamics of the ship ratRattus rattusL. in the Orongorongo Valley, New Zealand
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New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 2006 33(4). p.273
The effectiveness of poison bait stations at reducing ship rat abundance during an irruption in aNothofagusforest
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The potential of using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for precision pest control of possums (Trichosurus vulpecula)
Morley Craig, Braodley James, Hartley Robin, Herries David, MacMorran Duncan
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Social implications of a colony collapse in a highly structured vertebrate species (long‐tailed bat, Chalinolobus tuberculatus)
Monks J. M., O'Donnell C. F. J.
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Rodent and predator population dynamics in an eruptive system
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Advances in New Zealand mammalogy 1990–2000: Pacific rat
Atkinson I. A. E., Towns D. R.
Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 2001 31(1). p.99

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