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Pacific Conservation Biology Pacific Conservation Biology Society
A journal dedicated to conservation and wildlife management in the Pacific region.

Articles citing this paper

Photopollution impacts on the nocturnal behaviour of the Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps)

Shannon M. Barber-Meyer
13(3) pp.171 - 176

16 articles found in Crossref database.

American and Australasian Marsupials (2023)
Fardell Loren L., Dickman Chris R.
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Ecological Indicators. 2022 142 p.109261
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Longcore Travis, Villanueva Sophia Anne Marie B., Nguyen-Ngo Kyle, Ghiani Cristina A., Harrison Benjamin, Colwell Christopher S.
Journal of Experimental Biology. 2024 227(14).
Ungulates in the city: light pollution and open habitats predict the probability of roe deer occurring in an urban environment
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Urban Ecosystems. 2019 22(3). p.513
Does artificial light influence the activity of vertebrates beneath rural buildings?
Borchard Philip, Eldridge David J.
Australian Journal of Zoology. 2013 61(6). p.424
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Newport Jenny, Shorthouse David J., Manning Adrian D.
Ecological Management & Restoration. 2014 15(3). p.204
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Genes. 2023 14(2). p.349
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Austral Ecology. 2024 49(2).
Mapping behaviorally relevant light pollution levels to improve urban habitat planning
Schirmer Aaron E., Gallemore Caleb, Liu Ting, Magle Seth, DiNello Elisabeth, Ahmed Humerah, Gilday Thomas
Scientific Reports. 2019 9(1).
American and Australasian Marsupials (2023)
Fardell Loren L., Dickman Christopher R.
Street lighting delays and disrupts the dispersal of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fry
Riley W.D., Davison P.I., Maxwell D.L., Bendall B.
Biological Conservation. 2013 158 p.140
Moon phase and nocturnal activity of native Australian mammals
Linley G. D., Pauligk Y., Marneweck C., Ritchie E. G.
Australian Mammalogy. 2020 43(2). p.190
Globalization and Papua New Guinea: Ancient Wilderness, Paradise, Introduced Terror and Hell (2023)
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Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (2016)
Longcore Travis, Rich Catherine
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Austral Ecology. 2015 40(8). p.982
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Wildlife Research. 2015 42(4). p.324

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