Volume 104 Number 4 2004
MU03002Seabird mortality associated with Patagonian Toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides ) longliners in Falkland Islands waters
T. A. Reid, B. J. Sullivan, J. Pompert, J. W. Enticott and A. D. Black
pp. 317-325
MU04006 Breeding ecology of Richard's Pipit (Anthus novaeseelandiae) in the Snowy Mountains
C. J. Norment and K. Green
pp. 327-336
MU03039Consequences of La Niña phase of ENSO for the survival and growth of nestling Burrowing Parrots on the Atlantic coast of South America
Juan F. Masello and Petra Quillfeldt
pp. 337-346
MU03008 Sex-specific chick provisioning and kleptoparasitism in the Least Frigatebird, Fregata ariel
Bradley C. Congdon and Myriam Preker
pp. 347-351
MU03055 Timing of moult and breeding in the Cape White-eye, Zosterops pallidus, from three different geographical regions in South Africa
P. E. Hulley, A. J. F. K. Craig, G. D. Underhill, B. T. Bonnevie, R. J. Nuttall and D. H. de Swardt
pp. 353-358
MU03057 A White-capped Albatross, Thalassarche [cauta] steadi, at South Georgia: first confirmed record in the south-western Atlantic
Ben Phalan, Richard A. Phillips and Michael C. Double
pp. 359-361
MU03016 First record of Soft-plumaged Petrels, Pterodroma mollis, breeding in Australia
Alan Wiltshire, Sheryl Hamilton and Nigel Brothers
pp. 363-368
MU03060 Seed dispersal by Pacific Pigeons (Ducula pacifica) in Tonga, Western Polynesia
Kim R. McConkey, Hayley J. Meehan and Donald R. Drake
pp. 369-376
MU03045 Foraging preferences of Swift Parrots on Tasmanian Blue-gum: tree size, flowering frequency and flowering intensity
Raymond Brereton, Stephen A. Mallick and Simon J. Kennedy
pp. 377-383
MUv104n4_BR1 The Birds of Africa. Volume VII (Eds C. Hilary Fry and Stuart Keith)
Clifford B. Frith
pp. 385-386