The impact of community water ecological design on promoting health behaviours among the elderly
Hong Li
With the aging population, community water ecological design plays a critical role in promoting the health behaviours of the elderly by enhancing environmental perception, psychological comfort, and community satisfaction.
This study investigates the direct and indirect effects of community water ecological design on health behaviours of the elderly, utilising the social–ecological model to explore mediating pathways.
A questionnaire survey of 315 elderly individuals (aged 60 and above) in Guangzhou, China, was conducted, covering dimensions such as water ecological design, environmental perception, psychological comfort and health behaviours. Structural equation modelling was used for data analysis.
Community water ecological design significantly enhances environmental perception, psychological comfort and community satisfaction of the elderly, which directly and indirectly influence health-behaviour intentions and actual behaviours through multiple mediating mechanisms.
Community water ecological design is a significant determinant of the health behaviours of the elderly, exerting both direct and indirect influences on well-being through improved environmental perception, psychological comfort and community satisfaction.
Optimising water ecological design elements can improve the health outcomes of elderly populations, providing theoretical and practical support for creating elderly-friendly communities.
Keywords: aging, elderly-friendly community, health behaviours, water ecological design.
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