Managing biological, economic and social trade-offs in the Australian Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery
Florence Briton A B C , Olivier Thébaud A , Claire Macher A , Caleb Gardner D and Lorne Richard Little
Maximum sustainable yield and maximum economic yield are often advocated as desirable biological and economic objectives for fisheries management, and the analysis of trade-offs associated is often absent from scientific advice.
This work aims to demonstrate an operational approach for comparing trade-offs of not only biological, and economic objectives, but also social objectives, in this case for maintaining affordable fish prices for the Australian public.
We use a simulation model of the multi-species, the Australian Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery, characterised by technical and economic interactions among harvested stocks, and apply an eco-viability approach to identify catch limits on two key species of the fishery (tiger flathead and pink ling).
Several trade-offs are highlighted related to the distribution of benefits among vessel owners, fishing crews and consumers. Maximising the economic returns to vessel owners, which is the current management objective of the fishery, correspondingly reduces social benefits of providing employment as fishing crews and raises consumer prices.
Maximising fishery profits as a management objective comes at a social cost for crew members and fish consumers.
Analysing trade-offs with an eco-viability approach helps inform decisions regarding fisheries management, fully accounting for the different dimensions of biological, economic and social sustainability.
Keywords: eco-viability analysis, fisheries management, metiers, mixed fisheries, multi-species fisheries, SESSF, simulation modelling, technical interactions, trade-off evaluation.
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