Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 56 Number 1 2005
MF04210 Methodological and conceptual issues in the search for a relationship between animal body-size distributions and benthic habitat architecture
B. J. Robson, L. A. Barmuta and P. G. Fairweather
pp. 1-11
MF04244 Harshness: characterisation of intermittent stream habitat over space and time
Ken M. Fritz and Walter K. Dodds
pp. 13-23
MF04111 Spatial and temporal variation in fish-assemblage structure in isolated waterholes during the 2001 dry season of an arid-zone floodplain river, Cooper Creek, Australia
Angela H. Arthington, Stephen R. Balcombe, Glenn A. Wilson, Martin C. Thoms and Jon Marshall
pp. 25-35
MF04219 Habitat use by the hymenosomatid crab Amarinus lacustris (Chilton) in two south-eastern Australian rivers
Kerrylyn Johnston and Belinda J. Robson
pp. 37-44
MF04195 Investigations into the taxonomy, toxicity and ecology of benthic cyanobacterial accumulations in Myall Lake, Australia
Matthew Dasey, Natasha Ryan, Joanne Wilson, Glenn McGregor, Larelle Fabbro, Brett A. Neilan, Brendan P. Burns, Harri Kankaanpää, Louise F. Morrison, Geoffrey A. Codd, Dave Rissik and Lee Bowling
pp. 45-55
MF04105 Effects of progressive catchment harvesting on stream invertebrates in two contrasting regions of New Zealand's North Island
K. J. Collier and B. J. Smith
pp. 57-68
MF04102 Plankton succession and assemblage structure in two neighbouring littoral ecosystems in the north-west Mediterranean Sea
J.-L. Jamet, N. Jean, G. Bogé, S. Richard and D. Jamet
pp. 69-83
MF04097 The influence of coral reefs on atmospheric dimethylsulphide over the Great Barrier Reef, Coral Sea, Gulf of Papua and Solomon and Bismarck Seas
Graham B. Jones and Anne J. Trevena
pp. 85-93
MF04194 The partitioning of zinc, manganese, cadmium and selenium within copepods in oceanic waters east of New Zealand
Douglas S. Mackie and Keith A. Hunter
pp. 95-100
MF04225 Reproductive biology, size and age compositions and growth of the batoid Urolophus paucimaculatus, including comparisons with other species of the Urolophidae
William T. White and Ian C. Potter
pp. 101-110
MF04233 Local-scale mapping of benthic habitats to assess representation in a marine protected area
Tim Stevens and Rod M. Connolly
pp. 111-123