Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 54 Number 5 2003
MF03066Patterns of connectivity among populations of Cherax destructor (Decapoda : Parastacidae) in western Queensland, Australia
Jane M. Hughes and Mia J. Hillyer
pp. 587-596
MF02077Reproductive biology of the large freshwater crayfish Cherax cainii in south-western Australia
Stephen J. Beatty, David L. Morgan and Howard S. Gill
pp. 597-608
MF02025Role of nutrients and zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton growth in a temperate reservoir in New South Wales, Australia
Tsuyoshi Kobayashi and Anthony G. Church
pp. 609-618
MF02174A length-based Bayesian stock assessment model for the New Zealand abalone Haliotis iris
Paul A. Breen, Susan W. Kim and Neil L. Andrew
pp. 619-634
MF02163Analysis of bycatch in the fishery for orange roughy, Hoplostethus atlanticus , on the South Tasman Rise
Owen F. Anderson and Malcolm R. Clark
pp. 643-652
MF02121Sea anemone host selection by the symbiotic saddled cleaner shrimp Periclimenes holthuisi
Ritindra N. Khan, Justine H. A. Becker, Andrea L. Crowther and Ian D. Lawn
pp. 653-656
MF02145Development of three commercial sea cucumbers, Holothuria scabra , H . fuscogilva and Actinopyga mauritiana : larval structure and growth
C. Ramofafia, M. Byrne and S. C. Battaglene
pp. 657-667
MF02105Sensory organ development in cultured striped trumpeter larvae Latris lineata : implications for feeding behaviour
J. M. Cobcroft and P. M. Pankhurst
pp. 669-682
MF02083Effects of pruning a temperate mangrove forest on the associated assemblages of macroinvertebrates
William Gladstone and Maria J. Schreider
pp. 683-690