Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 59 Number 2 2008
MF07129Seasonal flooding, instream habitat structure and fish assemblages in the Mulgrave River, north-east Queensland: towards a new conceptual framework for understanding fish-habitat dynamics in small tropical rivers
Thomas S. Rayner, Bradley J. Pusey and Richard G. Pearson
pp. 97-116
MF07026Development of the pharyngeal dentition of two herbivorous halfbeaks (Teleostei : Hemiramphidae) and implications for the hemiramphid ontogenetic trophic shift
Ian R. Tibbetts, Ryan D. Day and Lee Carseldine
pp. 117-124
MF07095Phytoplankton community relationship to environmental variables in three Kenyan Rift Valley saline-alkaline lakes
Michael Schagerl and S. O. Oduor
pp. 125-136
MF07125Food resource variability in an Australian dryland river: evidence from the diet of two generalist native fish species
David Sternberg, Stephen Balcombe, Jonathan Marshall and Jaye Lobegeiger
pp. 137-144
MF07126Impacts of prior mis-specification on Bayesian fisheries stock assessment
Yong Chen, Chi-Lu Sun and Minoru Kanaiwa
pp. 145-156
MF07077Effects of freshwater flow on the year-class strength of a non-diadromous estuarine finfish, king threadfin (Polydactylus macrochir), in a dry-tropical estuary
Ian A. Halliday, Julie B. Robins, David G. Mayer, Jonathan Staunton-Smith and Michelle J. Sellin
pp. 157-164
MF07093Density and size of reef fishes in and around a temperate marine reserve
Matt Kleczkowski, Russ C. Babcock and Geordie Clapin
pp. 165-176
MF07140A field and experimental study on the tolerances of fish to Eucalyptus camaldulensis leachate and low dissolved oxygen concentrations
Damien McMaster and Nick Bond
pp. 177-185