Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 59 Number 1 2008
MF07090Estimating prawn abundance and catchability from catch-effort data: comparison of fixed and random effects models using maximum likelihood and hierarchical Bayesian methods
Shijie Zhou, David J. Vance, Catherine M. Dichmont, Charis Y. Burridge and Peter J. Toscas
pp. 1-9
MF07099Bacterial abundance and production, and their relation to primary production in tropical coastal waters of Peninsular Malaysia
Choon Weng Lee and Chui Wei Bong
pp. 10-21
MF07112Modelling and comparison of growth of the silver-lip pearl oyster Pinctada maxima (Jameson) (Mollusca : Pteriidae) cultured in West Papua, Indonesia
Anne M. Lee, Ashley J. Williams and Paul C. Southgate
pp. 22-31
MF07150A simple, cost-effective, morphometric marker for characterising abalone populations at multiple spatial scales
Thor M. Saunders, Stephen Mayfield and Andrew A. Hogg
pp. 32-40
MF07121Evaluating a seasonal, sex-specific size-structured stock assessment model for the American lobster, Homarus americanus
Minoru Kanaiwa, Yong Chen and Carl Wilson
pp. 41-56
MF07148DNA barcoding Australasian chondrichthyans: results and potential uses in conservation
Robert D. Ward, Bronwyn H. Holmes, William T. White and Peter R. Last
pp. 57-71
MF07056Geochemistry of Cu, Zn and Fe in the Tambo River, Australia I. Oxidation of Fe(II)-rich water entering the river
Barry T. Hart and Tina Hines
pp. 72-79
MF07057Geochemistry of Cu, Zn and Fe in the Tambo River, Australia II. Field investigation under low-flow conditions
Barry T. Hart, Tina Hines and Bruce A.W. Coller
pp. 80-88
MF07167Phylogeography of a threatened freshwater fish (Mogurnda adspersa) in eastern Australia: conservation implications
Leanne K. Faulks, Dean M. Gilligan and Luciano B. Beheregaray
pp. 89-96