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Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 47 Number 3 1996
MF9960489SAR observations of internal wave wakes from sea mounts
G Cresswell, C Zhou, PC Tildesley and CS Nilsson
pp. 489-495
MF9960497Mesoscale variability in volume transport in the Tasman and Coral Seas
LJ Hamilton
pp. 497-508
MF9960509Comparison of the Semtner and Chervin eddy-resolving global ocean model with LUCIE and satellite observations in the Leeuwin Current region
CJC Reason and AF Pearce
pp. 509-516
MF9960517Dynamics of the Swan River Estuary: The seasonal variability
R Stephens and J Imberger
pp. 517-529
MF9960531Drying-induced stimulation of ammonium release and nitrification in reflooded lake sediment
S Qui and AJ McComb
pp. 531-536
MF9960537Trace elements in the otoliths of New Zealand blue grenadier (Macruronus novaezelandiae) as an aid to stock discrimination
JM Kalish, ME Livingston and KA Schofield
pp. 537-542
MF9960543Normal development and embryonic gene activity of the ascidian Herdmania momus
BM Degnan, PR Rohde and MF Lavin
pp. 543-551
MF9960553Underwater videographic observations and incidental mortality of fur seals around fishing equipment in south-eastern Australia
PD Shaughnessy and SR Davenport
pp. 553-556
MF9960557Predation and its influence on the condition of a newly settled tropical demersal fish
MI McCormick and BA Kerrigan
pp. 557-562