Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 46 Number 6 1995
MF9950897Comparison of methods for sampling ectoparasites from coral reef fishes
AS Grutter
pp. 897-903
MF9950909Factors affecting distribution and abundance of small demersal fishes in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia
TJ Martin, DT Brewer and SJM Blaber
pp. 909-920
MF9950931Temporal and spatial variability in community structure of a sandy intertidal beach, Cape Paterson, Victoria, Australia
D Haynes and GP Quinn
pp. 931-942
MF9950947Salinity tolerance and osmoregulation in the silver perch, Bidyanus bidyanus Mitchell (Teraponidae), an endemic Australian freshwater teleost
R Guo, PB Mather and MF Capra
pp. 947-952
MF9950953A trouser-trawl experiment to assess codends that exclude juvenile mulloway (Argyrosomus hololepidotus) in the Hawkesbury River prawn-trawl fishery
MK Broadhurst and SJ Kennelly
pp. 953-958
MF9950959The Freshwater shrimp Paratya australiensis (Kemp, 1917) (Decapoda:Atyidae) in estuaries of south-westren victoria, Australia
CJ Walsh and BD Mitchell
pp. 959-965
MF9950967Reproductive parameters of blue shark, Prionace glauca, and other sharks in the Gulf of Guinea
JA Castro and J Mejuto
pp. 967-973
MF9950975Tissue nutrient content of Gracilaria spp. (Rhodophyta) and water quality along an estuarine gradient
JL Horrocks, GR Stewart and WC Dennison
pp. 975-983