Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 45 Number 7 1994
MF9941107Susceptibility of larval and juvenile instars of the sand crab, Portunus pelagicus (L.), to sea water contaminated by chromium, nickel or copper
MR Mortimer and GJ Miller
pp. 1107-1121
MF9941149A survey of environmental physico-chemical parameters during a minor coral mass bleaching event in Tahiti in 1993
JH Drollet, M Faucon, S Maritorena and PMV Martin
pp. 1149-1156
MF9941157Biochemical systematics of the marine fish family Centrolophidae (Teleostei:Stromateoidei) from Australian waters
CJS Bolch, RD Ward and PR Last
pp. 1157-1172
MF9941173 Sexual dimorphism in the red morwong, Cheilodactylus fuscus
A Schroeder, M Lowry and I Suthers
pp. 1173-1180
MF9941193The larval fish assemblage of the Nornalup-Walpole Estuary, a permanently open estuary on the southern coast of Western Australia
FJ Neira and IC Potter
pp. 1193-1207
MF9941209 Limnological features of lakes on the Sepik-Ramu floodplain, Papua New Guinea
W Vyverman
pp. 1209-1224
MF9941225 Spatial patterns in shallow-water crinoid communities on the central Great Barrier Reef
KE Fabricius
pp. 1225-1236
MF9941237Trace metals as tracers of dredging activity in Cleveland Bay — field and laboratory studies
AJ Reichelt and GB Jones
pp. 1237-1257
MF9941259Commercial and recreational harvest of fish from two Australian coastal rivers
RJ West and GNG Gordon
pp. 1259-1279
MF9941281Predation on soft corals (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
JK Griffith
pp. 1281-1284
MF9941285Are outbreaks of Marteilia sydneyi in Sydney rock oysters, Saccostrea commercialis, triggered by a drop in environmental pH?
TJ Anderson, S Wesche and RJG Lester
pp. 1285-1287
MF9941319Effects of oxygen concentration on phosphorus release from reflooded air-dried wetland sediments
S Qiu and AJ McComb
pp. 1319-1328
MF9941329Preliminary assessment of the β-dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) content of macroalgae from the tropical island of Hainan (People's Republic of China)
B Bischoff, U Karsten, C Daniel, K Kuck, B Xia and C Wiencke
pp. 1329-1336
MF9941353Seasonal and size-related variation in microhabitat use by a southern Victorian stream fish assemblage
JD Koehn, NA O'Connor and PD Jackson
pp. 1353-1366