Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 51 Number 4 2000
MF99147Water regimes, seedling recruitment and establishment in three wetland plant species
Jason M. Nicol and George G. Ganf
pp. 305-309
MF99103Endorheic versus karstic lakes: patterns of ostracod distributions and lake typology in a Mediterranean landscape (Castilla - La Mancha, Spain)
J. R. Roca, F. Mezquita, J. Rueda, A. Camacho and M. R. Miracle
pp. 311-319
MF97081Seasonal dynamics of plankton communities and water chemistry in a eutrophic wetland (Lake Monger, Western Australia): implications for biomanipulation
Mark A. Lund and Jennifer A. Davis
pp. 321-332
MF99120Flow-related disturbance in streams: an experimental test of the role of rock movement in reducing macroinvertebrate population densities
Nick R. Bond and Barbara J. Downes
pp. 333-337
MF99125Age and growth of the daggernose shark, Isogomphodon oxyrhynchus , from northern Brazil
Rosangela Lessa, Francisco M. Santana, Vandick Batista and Zafira Almeida
pp. 339-347
MF99133Changes in the diet of the Australasian gannet (Morus serrator ) in response to the 1998 mortality of pilchards (Sardinops sagax )
A. Bunce and F. I. Norman
pp. 349-353
MF99114Mortality and breeding failure of little penguins, Eudyptula minor , in Victoria, 1995–96, following a widespread mortality of pilchard, Sardinops sagax
Peter Dann, F. I. Norman, J. M. Cullen, F. J. Neira and A. Chiaradia
pp. 355-362
MF99038_COShort Communication : Simple morphometric characters, confirmed by gel electrophoresis, separate small juvenile banana prawns (Penaeus indicus and P. merguiensis )
R. C. Pendrey, N. R. Loneragan, R. A. Kenyon and D. J. Vance
pp. 379-379