Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 42 Number 6 1991
MF9910625 Chemistry of trace elements, humic substances and sedimentary organic matter in Macquarie Harbour, Tasmania
PD Carpenter, ECV Butler, HW Higgins, DJ Mackey and PD Nichols
pp. 625-654
MF9910675Characterization of natural organic matter from four Victorian freshwater systems
GM Day, R Beckett, BT Hart and ID McKelvie
pp. 675-687
MF9910689Comparison of the macroinvertebrate communities in streams in logged and undisturbed catchments 8 years after harvesting
IO Growns and JA Davis
pp. 689-706
MF9910721An assessment of genetic differentiation among feral Australian tilapia populations
PB Mather and AH Arthington
pp. 721-728
MF9910743Temperature selections of Anguilla japonica (L.) elvers, and their implications for migration
YL Chen and H Chen
pp. 743-750
MF9910751Movement, fishery sector impact, and factors affecting the recapture rate of tagged sand crabs, Portunus pelagicus (L.), in Moreton Bay, Queensland
MA Potter, WD Sumpton and GS Smith
pp. 751-760
MF9910761Limnological features of coastal-plain wetlands on the Gnangara Mound, Perth, Western Australia
TJ Wrigley, SW Rolls and JA Davis
pp. 761-773