Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 41 Number 1 1990
MF9900013By-catch from Praen trawling in the Hawkesbury River, New South Wales: Species Composition, distribution and Abundance
CA Gray, VC McDonall and DD Reid
pp. 13-26
MF9900027Partitioning of material discarded from Prawn Trawlers in Morton Bay
TJ Wassenberg and BJ Hill
pp. 27-36
MF9900065Spatial and seasonal variation in Demersal Trawl Fauna associated with a Prawn Fishery on the Central Great Barrier Reef, Australia
RA Watson, MLC Dredge and DG Mayer
pp. 65-77
MF9900079 Large-scale spatial patterns of abundance within the assemblage of fish caught by Prawn Trawlers in Northern Australian waters
DC Ramm, PJ Pender, RS Willing and RC Buckworth
pp. 79-95
MF9900097Incidental capture and mortality of Sea Turtles in Australia's northern Prawn Fishery
IR Poiner, RC Buckworth and ANM Harris
pp. 97-110
MF9900111Review of the effects of trawling on Macrobenthic Epifaunal communities
P Hutchings
pp. 111-120
MF9900121Variations in the fish catch composition in the Bay of St. Vincent, New Caledonia, as determined by experimental trawling
M Kulbicki and L Wantiez
pp. 121-144
MF9900165Pilot studies for designs of surveys of human disturbance of intertidal habitats in NSW
AJ Underwood and SJ Kennelly
pp. 165-173
MF9900175Yield-per-recruit analysis of Eastern King Prawns Penaeus plebejus Hess, in Eastern Australia
JP Glaister, SS Montgomery and VC McDonall
pp. 175-197