Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 34 Number 6 1983
MF9830835Dissolved nutrients and organic particulates in water flowing over coral reefs at Lizard Island
CJ Crossland and DJ Barnes
pp. 835-844
MF9830857Migration patterns of five fish species in the Murray-Darling River system
LF Reynolds
pp. 857-871
MF9830873Australian freashwater mussel Velesunio ambiguus (Philippi) as a biological monitor for zinc, iron and manganese
PJ Millington and KF Walker
pp. 873-892
MF9830893Food and mouthpart morphology of the nymphs of several Australian Plecoptera
DH Sephton and HBN Hynes
pp. 893-908
MF9830915Interspecific hybridization between carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) and golfish (Carassius auratus L.) from Victorian Waters
DJ Hume, AR Fletcher and AK Morison
pp. 915-919
MF9830921Attempt to determine some properties of the semidiurnal internal tide on the continental slope, Great Barrier Reef
M Tomczak Jr and XH Fang
pp. 921-926
MF9830927Effects of temperature and food on instar development rates of Boeckella symmetrica Sars (Copepoda : Calanoida)
IO Woodward and RWG White
pp. 927-932