Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 31 Number 2 1980
MF9800119 Phosphate distribution in Bass Strait and south-eastern Australian coastal waters.
JD Smith and AR Longmore
pp. 119-128
MF9800147Alterations to the relative species-abundance of ascidians and barnacles in a fouling community due to screens
JI Marshall, FWE Rowe, RP Fisher and DF Smith
pp. 147-153
MF9800155Marine soft-bottom benthic community offshore from Black Rock sewage outfall, Connewarre, Victoria
JH Dorsey and RN Synnot
pp. 155-162
MF9800163Community structure of the fauna associated with the coral Pocillopora damicornis (L.) on the Great Barrier Reef
AD Austin, SA Austin and PF Sale
pp. 163-174
MF9800175Distribution of intertidal benthic algae in the vicinity of Townsville, tropical Australia
Y Ngan and IR Price
pp. 175-191
MF9800215The Crustacean Isopod Genus Gnathia Leach from Queensland Waters with Descriptions of Nine New Species
DM Holdish and K Harrison
pp. 215-240
MF9800241Scomberomorus munroi, a new species of Spanish mackerel from Australia and New Guinea
BB Collette and JL Russo
pp. 241-250
MF9800257Role of streamside vegetation as a food source for Galaxias olidus Gnnther (Pisces : Galaxiidae)
PL Cadwallader, AK Eden and RA Hook
pp. 257-262
MF9800271Transport of living Antarctic zooplankton to a tropical Laboratory: a feasibility study
T Ikeda, AW Mitchell, JH Carleton and P Dixon
pp. 271-274