Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 30 Number 5 1979
MF9790579Studies of the Hydrobiology of a Tropical Lake in North-western Queensland. I. Seasonal Changes in Chemical Characteristics
TP Farrell, CM Finlayson and DJ Griffiths
pp. 579-595
MF9790607Heavy Metal Concentrations in the Muscle Tissue of 12 Species of Teleost from Cockburn Sound, Western Australia
D Plaskett and IC Potter
pp. 607-616
MF9790625Estimation of Growth, Mortality and Yeild per Recruit of the Australian School Shark, Galeorhinus australis (Macleay), from Tag Recoveries
CJ Grant, RL Sandland and AM Olsen
pp. 625-637
MF9790639An Assessment of the Stocks of the Banana Prawn Penaeus merguiensis in the Gulf of Carpentaria
C Lucas, G Kirkwood and I Somers
pp. 639-652
MF9790653Distribution of Culicoides molestus (Skuse) (Diptera : Ceratopogonidae) in Man-made Canals in South-eastern Queensland
DS Kettle, EJ Reye and PB Edwards
pp. 653-660