Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 57 Number 1 2006
MF05091Automated acoustic tracking of aquatic animals: scales, design and deployment of listening station arrays
M. R. Heupel, J. M. Semmens and A. J. Hobday
pp. 1-13
MF05154Energy and nutrient fluxes from rivers and streams into terrestrial food webs
Andrea Ballinger and P. S. Lake
pp. 15-28
MF05099Can flow velocity regulate epixylic biofilm structure in a regulated floodplain river?
Darren S. Ryder, Robyn J. Watts, Errol Nye and Adrienne Burns
pp. 29-36
MF05101Zooplankton diversity and assemblages in arid zone rivers of the Lake Eyre Basin, Australia
Russell J. Shiel, Justin F. Costelloe, Julian R. W. Reid, Peter Hudson and Joan Powling
pp. 49-60
MF05021The macroinvertebrate fauna of an Australian dryland river: spatial and temporal patterns and environmental relationships
Jonathan C. Marshall, Fran Sheldon, Martin Thoms and Satish Choy
pp. 61-74
MF05103Is all salinity the same? I. The effect of ionic compositions on the salinity tolerance of five species of freshwater invertebrates
Liliana Zalizniak, Ben J. Kefford and Dayanthi Nugegoda
pp. 75-82
MF04276Catchment characteristics and chemical limnology of small lakes, tarns and mire pools in New Zealand (South Island) and Tasmania
Koenraad Vanhoutte, Elie Verleyen, Cathy Kilroy, Koen Sabbe, Renaat Dasseville and Wim Vyverman
pp. 83-93
MF05092Growth of the encrusting sponge Tedania anhelans (Lieberkuhn) on vertical and on horizontal surfaces of temperate subtidal reefs
N. A. Knott, A. J. Underwood, M. G. Chapman and T. M. Glasby
pp. 95-104
MF05076Determining reproductive parameters for population assessments of chondrichthyan species with asynchronous ovulation and parturition: piked spurdog (Squalus megalops) as a case study
J. Matías Braccini, Bronwyn M. Gillanders and Terence I. Walker
pp. 105-119
MF05082Assessing the trophic link between seagrass habitats and piscivorous fishes
Jeremy S. Hindell
pp. 121-131