Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 48 Number 1 1997
MF96026Morphology of the mouthparts, gastric mill and digestive tract of the giant crab, Pseudocarcinus gigas (Milne Edwards) (Decapoda: Oziidae)
T. Heeren and B. D. Mitchell
pp. 7-18
MF96040Feeding activity and the morphology of the digestive tract in stage-I phyllosoma larvae of the rock lobster Jasus edwardsii
David L. Macmillan, Shaun L. Sandow, David M. Wikeley and Stewart Frusher
pp. 19-26
MF96052The 1995 mass mortality of pilchard: no role found for physical or biological oceanographic factors in Australia
D. A. Griffin, P. A. Thompson, N. J. Bax, R. W. Bradford and G. M. Hallegraeff
pp. 27-42
MF96020Distribution and abundance of giant sea anemones (Actiniaria) in subtropical eastern Australian waters
Darren L. Richardson, Vicki J. Harriott and Peter L. Harrison
pp. 59-66
MF95043Morphological features and ecological aspects of early juvenile specimens of the aristeid shrimp Aristeus antennatus (Risso, 1816)
F. Sardà and J. E. Cartes
pp. 73-77
MF96021Export of nutrients and suspended sediment during a cyclone-mediated flood event in the Herbert River catchment, Australia
A. W. Mitchell, R. G. V. Bramley and A. K. L. Johnson
pp. 79-88