Marine and Freshwater Research 71 (8) pp.i
- iii
Translating Seagrass Science into Action
This Research Front comprises papers that emphasise the applicability of seagrass research to management practices, examine the impacts of human activities, and look at seagrass from a conservation perspective.
Published 16 March 2020
A muddy time capsule: using sediment environmental DNA for the long-term monitoring of coastal vegetated ecosystems
Marine and Freshwater Research 71 (8) pp.869
- 876
Published 21 April 2020
Socio-economic valuation of seagrass meadows in the Pulai River Estuary, Peninsular Malaysia, through a wellbeing lens
Marine and Freshwater Research 71 (8) pp.877
- 891
Published 13 May 2020
Blue carbon sequestration dynamics within tropical seagrass sediments: long-term incubations for changes over climatic scales
Marine and Freshwater Research 71 (8) pp.892
- 904
Published 17 March 2020
Spatial and temporal variation of the δ15N in Thalassia testudinum in the Mexican Caribbean (2009–2017)
Alberto Sánchez , Dilian Anguas-Cabrera , Karla Camacho-Cruz , M. Concepción Ortiz-Hernández , Sergio Aguíñiga-García
Marine and Freshwater Research 71 (8) pp.905
- 912
Published 06 December 2019
Effects of shading on seagrass morphology and thermal optimal of productivity
Marine and Freshwater Research 71 (8) pp.913
- 921
Published 28 January 2020
Early evidence of microplastics on seagrass and macroalgae
Nicholas Seng , Samantha Lai , Jenny Fong , Muhammad Faiq Saleh , Clement Cheng , Zi Yu Cheok , Peter A. Todd
Marine and Freshwater Research 71 (8) pp.922
- 928
Published 30 June 2020
Contribution of epiphyte load to light attenuation on seagrass leaves is small but critical in turbid waters
Marine and Freshwater Research 71 (8) pp.929
- 934
Marine and Freshwater Research 71 (8) pp.935
- 941