Population structure, demography and life tables of Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. at sites on the eastern and western coasts of the United Arab Emirates
Marine and Freshwater Research
49(4) 303 - 308
Published: 1998
In this 3-year study, an attempt was made to establish life tables and population structure models at four sites of the only mangrove species recorded for the area, Avicennia marina. Some of the sites showed clumped patterns of distribution, there were regular patterns of distribution on the east coast and random patterns on the west coast. The population flux reflected different growth-stage capacities at the selected sites. Survivorship curves were Type I (probability of death increasing with age) for all populations except for one record of Type III (probability of death decreasing with age) on the east coast. The data suggest that A. marina is not endangered in this region, despite the arid conditions.https://doi.org/10.1071/MF97144
© CSIRO 1998