A Preliminary Investigation of the Recent Sediments off the East Coast of Australia
Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
13(1) 48 - 56
Published: 1962
Recent sediments from the continental shelf and inner margin of the continental slope for a section of the east Australian coast extending from Sydney to Moreton Island have been examined with respect to composition and particle size distribution. Although insufficient samples are available for conclusive evidence it would appear that there has been very little longshore movement of material and the bulk of the detritus in each sector has been derived from the immediately adjacent land areas. In the Sydney sector there is a suggested variation in clay mineral content with depth which tends to support the differential settling concept. Glauconite, in association with clay pellets, foraminifera1 tests, and fine quartz, occurs in goethite and siderite cemented nodules on the continental slope off Port RIacquarie and Coff's Harbour.
© CSIRO 1962