The seagrass Ruppia and its influence on the structure and multiscale dynamics of zooplankton in a hypersaline lake
Nickolai Shadrin A , Vladimir Yakovenko A and Elena Anufriieva
Ruppia thickets and their impact on zooplankton in a hypersaline shallow lake.
To investigate the long-term dynamics of seagrass Ruppia, zooplankton and abiotic parameters and evaluate the relationships among them in Lake Moynaki.
Quantitative assessment of Ruppia thickets, zooplankton within them and outside, temperature, salinity, wind speed and direction from 2019 to 2023.
The first young Ruppia shoots appeared in the lake during March, and their number and biomass increased, most rapidly during spring. From 2019 to 2023, the average spring number of Ruppia shoots gradually increased exponentially. From 2019 to 2023, there was a gradual decrease in the average spring abundance of zooplankton within the Ruppia meadows. A significant positive relationship was noted between the Gammarus aequicauda abundance and the number of Ruppia shoots in all years, but there was a negative relationship for Moina salina and Cletocamptus retrogressus with Ruppia.
This study presents the largely neglected effect of seagrass on zooplankton in small hypersaline water bodies.
This information is valuable for the management of hypersaline water bodies and the development of sustainable polyaquaculture in them.
Keywords: Gammarus, hypersaline lake, long-term changes, Moina, Ruppia, seagrass, seasonal changes, zooplankton.
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