Dynamics of extracellular enzymatic activities in a shallow Mediterranean ecosystem (Tindari ponds, Sicily)
G. Caruso A B , L. Monticelli A , F. Azzaro A , M. Azzaro A , F. Decembrini A , R. La Ferla A , M. Leonardi A and R. Zaccone AA Institute for the Marine Coastal Environment (IAMC) – Section of Messina, National Research Council, 98122 Messina, Italy.
B Corresponding author. Email: gabriella.caruso@iamc.cnr.it
Marine and Freshwater Research 56(2) 173-188 https://doi.org/10.1071/MF04049
Submitted: 17 March 2004 Accepted: 8 February 2005 Published: 12 April 2005
Three microbial extracellular enzymes, leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), β-glucosidase (β-glu) and alkaline phosphatase (AP), were studied in six small Mediterranean littoral ponds, to evaluate the diversity of microbial activities relative to prevailing environmental conditions. The marked diversification of the trophic states, ranging from oligotrophy to eutrophy, in the ponds was reflected in a range of enzyme patterns at different spatial and temporal scales. There were higher levels and greater variability of microbial activity in the oldest and most ‘confined’ ponds (ranges: 0.55–4360.00 nm h−1, 0.15–76.44 nm h−1, 1.29–1600.00 nm h−1 for LAP, β-glu and AP respectively) compared with the youngest and most seaward ponds (ranges: 22.64–612.0 nm h−1, 0.06–48.89 nm h−1, 0.32–744.0 nm h−1 for LAP, β-glu and AP respectively). The close relationship of the degradative potential with chlorophyll-a and particulate organic carbon could be a consequence of the stimulating effect of phytoplankton-released polymeric compounds (organic matter) and/or a response of the microbial community to warm temperatures, which were recorded from July to September. Within an area less than 1 km2, different aquatic ecosystems coexist and maintain their distinctive properties in terms of microbial biogeochemical processes.
Extra keywords: carbon cycle, microbial enzymes, phosphorus cycle, shallow waters.
The authors wish to thank Professor H.-G. Hoppe (Institut fur Meereskunde, Kiel, Germany) for the critical revision of this paper and for stimulating suggestions that greatly improved this manuscript.
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