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Marine and Freshwater Research Marine and Freshwater Research Society
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Comparison of methods for sampling ectoparasites from coral reef fishes

AS Grutter
46(6) pp.897 - 903

40 articles found in Crossref database.

Host introduction and parasites: a case study on the parasite community of the peacock grouper Cephalopholis argus (Serranidae) in the Hawaiian Islands
Vignon Matthias, Sasal Pierre, Galzin René
Parasitology Research. 2009 104(4). p.775
Methodological issues affecting the study of fish parasites. II. Sampling method affects ectoparasite studies
Kvach Y, Ondracˇková M, Janácˇ M, Jurajda P
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 2016 121(1). p.59
Double-netting: an alternative approach for the recovery of parasitic copepods from finfishes
Madinabeitia I., Nagasawa K.
Journal of Natural History. 2013 47(5-12). p.529
Partitioning no-take marine reserve (NTMR) and benthic habitat effects on density of small and large-bodied tropical wrasses
Russ Garry R., Lowe Jake R., Rizzari Justin R., Bergseth Brock J., Alcala Angel C., Patterson Heather M.
PLOS ONE. 2017 12(12). p.e0188515
Practical methods for culturing parasitic gnathiid isopods
Grutter Alexandra S., Feeney William E., Hutson Kate S., McClure Eva C., Narvaez Pauline, Smit Nico J., Sun Derek, Sikkel Paul C.
International Journal for Parasitology. 2020 50(10-11). p.825
Multiscale determinants of parasite abundance: A quantitative hierarchical approach for coral reef fishes
Vignon Matthias, Sasal Pierre
International Journal for Parasitology. 2010 40(4). p.443
Reef-based micropredators reduce the growth of post-settlement damselfish in captivity
Jones C. M., Grutter A. S.
Coral Reefs. 2008 27(3). p.677
Chew Xian Zhe, Cobcroft Jennifer, Hutson Kate S.
Indirect effects of an ectoparasite reduce successful establishment of a damselfish at settlement
Grutter Alexandra S., Crean Angela J., Curtis Lynda M., Kuris Armand M., Warner Robert R., McCormick Mark I.
Functional Ecology. 2011 25(3). p.586
New perspectives on the role of cleaning symbiosis in the possible transmission of fish diseases
Narvaez Pauline, Vaughan David Brendan, Grutter Alexandra Sara, Hutson Kate Suzanne
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 2021 31(2). p.233
Are Caribbean cleaning symbioses mutualistic? Costs and benefits of visiting cleaning stations to longfin damselfish
Cheney Karen L., Côté Isabelle M.
Animal Behaviour. 2001 62(5). p.927
Impact of shark-feeding tourism on surrounding fish populations off Moorea Island (French Polynesia)
Vignon Matthias, Sasal Pierre, Johnson Ryan L., Galzin René
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2010 61(2). p.163
Distribution of an asymmetrical copepod, Hatschekia plectropomi, on the gills of Plectropomus leopardus
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Journal of Fish Biology. 2006 68(1). p.222
Fish Behaviour (2008)
Bshary Redouan, Côté Isabelle
In situ evidence for ectoparasites as a proximate cause of cleaning interactions in reef fish
Sikkel Paul C., Cheney Karen L., Côté Isabelle M.
Animal Behaviour. 2004 68(2). p.241
Cleaner shrimp do clean
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Muñoz Gabriela, Grutter Alexandra S., Cribb Tom H.
Journal of Parasitology. 2007 93(1). p.17
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The American Naturalist. 2022 199(4). p.455
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Rueckert Sonja, Hagen Wilhelm, Yuniar Asri T., Palm Harry W.
Regional Environmental Change. 2009 9(4). p.315
Host specificity of two species of Gnathia (Isopoda) determined by DNA sequencing blood meals
Jones C.M., Nagel L., Hughes G.L., Cribb T.H., Grutter A.S.
International Journal for Parasitology. 2007 37(8-9). p.927
Parasite infection rather than tactile stimulation is the proximate cause of cleaning behaviour in reef fish
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Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences. 2001 268(1474). p.1361
Temporal Variation in Cleanerfish and Client Behaviour: Does It Reflect Ectoparasite Availability?
Côté Isabelle M., Molloy Philip P.
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Vignon M., Morat F., Galzin R., Sasal P.
Journal of Fish Biology. 2008 73(10). p.2305
Fish mucus versus parasitic gnathiid isopods as sources of energy and sunscreens for a cleaner fish
Eckes Maxi, Dove Sophie, Siebeck Ulrike E., Grutter Alexandra S.
Coral Reefs. 2015 34(3). p.823
The effects of capture, handling, confinement and ectoparasite load on plasma levels of cortisol, glucose and lactate in the coral reef fish Hemigymnus melapterus
Grutter A. S., Pankhurst N. W.
Journal of Fish Biology. 2000 57(2). p.391
An experimental field test of host-finding mechanisms in a Caribbean gnathiid isopod
Sikkel Paul C., Sears Whitney T., Weldon Ben, Tuttle Ben C.
Marine Biology. 2011 158(5). p.1075
The selective cleaning behaviour of juvenile blue-headed wrasse (Thalassoma bifasciatum) in the Caribbean
Dunkley Katie, Cable Jo, Perkins Sarah E.
Behavioural Processes. 2018 147 p.5
Prevalence of the parasitic cymothoid isopod Anilocra nemipteri on its fish host at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef
Roche Dominique G., Strong Laura E., Binning Sandra A.
Australian Journal of Zoology. 2012 60(5). p.330
Habitat‐related differences in the abundance of parasites from a coral reef fish: an indication of the movement patterns of Hemigymnus melapterus
Grutter A. S.
Journal of Fish Biology. 1998 53(1). p.49
Access to Cleaning Services Alters Fish Physiology Under Parasite Infection and Ocean Acidification
Paula José Ricardo, Repolho Tiago, Grutter Alexandra S., Rosa Rui
Frontiers in Physiology. 2022 13
Frequency-dependent success of aggressive mimics in a cleaning symbiosis
Cheney Karen L, Côté Isabelle M
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2005 272(1581). p.2635
The Meaning of Jolts by Fish Clients of Cleaning Gobies
Soares Marta C., Bshary Redouan, Cardoso Sónia C., Côté Isabelle M.
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The evolution of body size in the Monogenea: the role of host size and latitude
Poulin Robert
Canadian Journal of Zoology. 1996 74(4). p.726
Gnathia aureamaculosa, a likely definitive host of Haemogregarina balistapi and potential vector for Haemogregarina bigemina between fishes of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Curtis Lynda M., Grutter Alexandra S., Smit Nico J., Davies Angela J.
International Journal for Parasitology. 2013 43(5). p.361
Tactile stimulation lowers stress in fish
Soares Marta C., Oliveira Rui F., Ros Albert F.H., Grutter Alexandra S., Bshary Redouan
Nature Communications. 2011 2(1).
Methodological issues affecting the study of fish parasites. III. Effect of fish preservation method
Kvach Y, Ondracˇková M, Janácˇ M, Jurajda P
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 2018 127(3). p.213
Smit Nico J., Grutter Alexandra S., Adlard Robert D., Davies Angela J.
Journal of Parasitology. 2006 92(4). p.778
Diagnosis and Control of Diseases of Fish and Shellfish (2017)
Paladini Giuseppe, Longshaw Matt, Gustinelli Andrea, Shinn Andrew P.
Lethal and sublethal impacts of a micropredator on post-settlement Caribbean reef fishes
Sellers Joseph C., Holstein Daniel M., Botha Tarryn L., Sikkel Paul C.
Oecologia. 2019 189(2). p.293
A quick and simple method, usable in the field, for collecting parasites in suitable condition for both morphological and molecular studies
Justine Jean-Lou, Briand Marine J., Bray Rodney A.
Parasitology Research. 2012 111(1). p.341

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