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Marine and Freshwater Research Marine and Freshwater Research Society
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Determination of sediment oxygen demand by direct measurement and by inference from reduced species accumulation

RK Gelda, MT Auer and SW Effler
46(1) pp.81 - 88

32 articles found in Crossref database.

Development and Testing of a Dissolved Oxygen Model for a Hypereutrophic Lake
Gelda Rakesh K., Auer Martin T.
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Investigation of benthic phosphorus flux controls in Lake Waco, Texas
Esten Marie E., Wagner Kenneth J.
Lake and Reservoir Management. 2010 26(2). p.114
Modeling the interplay between deepwater oxygen dynamics and sediment diagenesis in a hard-water mesotrophic lake
Gudimov Alex, McCulloch Jalene, Chen Jianwen, Doan Phuong, Arhonditsis George, Dittrich Maria
Ecological Informatics. 2016 31 p.59
Modeling Effects of Sediment Diagenesis on Recovery of Hypolimnetic Oxygen
Gelda Rakesh K., Owens Emmet M., Matthews David A., Effler Steven W., Chapra Steven C., Auer Martin T., Gawde Rasika K.
Journal of Environmental Engineering. 2013 139(1). p.44
Correlation between Characteristics of SOD in Coastal Sewage and Predictive Factor1a
Kim Beom-Geun, Khirul Md Akhte, Kwon Sung-Hyun, Cho Dae-Chul
Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology. 2019 33(5). p.596
Autocalibration of a one-dimensional hydrodynamic-ecological model (DYRESM 4.0-CAEDYM 3.1) using a Monte Carlo approach: simulations of hypoxic events in a polymictic lake
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Liu Bo, Han Rui-ming, Wang Wen-lin, Yao Hong, Zhou Feng
Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017 24(10). p.9481
Chemical Exchange at the Sediment-Water Interface of Cannonsville Reservoir
Erickson Michael J., Auer Martin T.
Lake and Reservoir Management. 1998 14(2-3). p.266
Limnological and Engineering Analysis of Polluted Urban Lake (1996)
Effler Steven W., Doerr Susan M., Auer Martin T., Canale Raymond P., Gelda Rakesh K., Owens Emmet M., Heidtke Thomas M.
Effects of Discharge of Spent Cooling Water from an Oligotrophic Lake to a Polluted Eutrophic Lake
Effler Steven W., Owens Emmet M., Matthews David A., O’Donnell Susan M., Hassett James M.
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 2009 135(2). p.96
In-situ, high-resolution evidence from water-sediment interface for significant role of iron bound phosphorus in eutrophic lake
Yuan Hezhong, Tai Ziqiu, Li Qiang, Liu Enfeng
Science of The Total Environment. 2020 706 p.136040
Use of Robotic Monitoring to Assess Turbidity Patterns in Onondaga Lake, NY
Effler Steven W., O'Donnell David M., Peng Feng, Prestigiacomo Anthony R., Perkins MaryGail, Driscoll Charles T.
Lake and Reservoir Management. 2006 22(3). p.199
Using small‐scale measurements to estimate hypolimnetic oxygen depletion in a deep lake
Schwefel Robert, Steinsberger Thomas, Bouffard Damien, Bryant Lee D., Müller Beat, Wüest Alfred
Limnology and Oceanography. 2018 63(S1).
Water Quality Model Evaluations For Scenarios Of Loading Reductions And Diversion Of Domestic Waste Effluent Around Onondaga Lake
Effler Steven W., Doerr Susan M.
Lake and Reservoir Management. 1996 12(1). p.181
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Matthews David A., Effler Steven W.
Lake and Reservoir Management. 2006 22(1). p.19
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Effler Steven W., Gelda Rakesh K., Perkins MaryGail, Matthews David A., Owens Emmet M., Stepczuk Carol, Bader Andrew P.
Lake and Reservoir Management. 1998 14(2-3). p.332
Implications of redox processes for the rehabilitation of an urban lake, Onondaga Lake, New York
Effler Steven W., Matthews David A.
Lake and Reservoir Management. 2008 24(2). p.122
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Jianjun WANG, Ji SHEN, Lu ZHANG, Enfeng LIU
Journal of Lake Sciences. 2009 21(4). p.474
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Nitrate and Bisulfide: Monitoring and Patterns in Onondaga Lake, New York, Following Implementation of Nitrification Treatment
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Water Environment Research. 2009 81(5). p.466
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Addess Jeffrey M., Effler Steven W.
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Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure. 2016 3(4). p.263
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Marcé Rafael, Gómez-Gener Lluís, Carey Cayelan C.
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Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 2004 35(3). p.322
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Penn Michael R., Auer Martin T.
Marine Geology. 1997 139(1-4). p.47
Determination of Reaeration Coefficients: Whole-Lake Approach
Gelda Rakesh K., Auer Martin T., Effler Steven W., Chapra Steven C., Storey Michelle L.
Journal of Environmental Engineering. 1996 122(4). p.269
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Murase Jun, Sakai Yuji, Kametani Aya, Sugimoto Atsuko
Ecological Research. 2005 20(3). p.377
Onondaga Lake, New York: Legacy of Pollution
Effler S. W., Hennigan R. D.
Lake and Reservoir Management. 1996 12(1). p.1

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