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A survey of environmental physico-chemical parameters during a minor coral mass bleaching event in Tahiti in 1993

JH Drollet, M Faucon, S Maritorena and PMV Martin
45(7) pp.1149 - 1156

20 articles found in Crossref database.

Synergy or antagonism—interactions between stressors on coral reefs
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Hoogenboom Mia O., Frank Grace E., Chase Tory J., Jurriaans Saskia, Álvarez-Noriega Mariana, Peterson Katie, Critchell Kay, Berry Kathryn L. E., Nicolet Katia J., Ramsby Blake, Paley Allison S.
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Detecting the effects of natural disturbances on coral assemblages in French Polynesia: A decade survey at multiple scales
Adjeroud Mehdi, Chancerelle Yannick, Schrimm Muriel, Perez Thierry, Lecchini David, Galzin René, Salvat Bernard
Aquatic Living Resources. 2005 18(2). p.111
Depth-dependant response to light of the reef building coral, Pocillopora verrucosa: Implication of oxidative stress
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Water flow influences oxygen transport and photosynthetic efficiency in corals
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Coral bleaching under thermal stress: putative involvement of host/symbiont recognition mechanisms
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A comparison of the 1998 and 2002 coral bleaching events on the Great Barrier Reef: spatial correlation, patterns, and predictions
Berkelmans Ray, De’ath Glenn, Kininmonth Stuart, Skirving William J.
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A Climatology of Ocean–Atmosphere Heat Flux Estimates over the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea: Implications for Recent Mass Coral Bleaching Events
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Acquisition of symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium) by juveniles of the coral Acropora longicyathus
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Coral bleaching: A potential biomarker of environmental stress
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Effect of light intensity on survival and photosynthetic efficiency of cultured corals of different ages
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High spatial variability in coral bleaching around Moorea (French Polynesia): patterns across locations and water depths
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