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Marine and Freshwater Research Marine and Freshwater Research Society
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Nutrient enrichment of the Sydney continental shelf

G Cresswell
45(4) pp.677 - 691

33 articles found in Crossref database.

Circulation over the northeastern New Zealand continental slope, shelf and adjacent Hauraki Gulf, during spring and summer
Zeldis John R., Walters Roy A., Greig Malcolm J.N., Image Katie
Continental Shelf Research. 2004 24(4-5). p.543
Distribution of life-history stages of the salp Thalia democratica in shelf waters during a spring bloom
Henschke N, Everett JD, Baird ME, Taylor MD, Suthers IM
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2011 430 p.49
Detecting a response to weak sea breezes in the New South Wales coastal ocean
Gibbs Mark T.
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 2000 34(4). p.669
The oceanography of the Sydney region
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Marine Pollution Bulletin. 1996 33(7-12). p.124
Quantitative Mapping of the East Australian Current Encroachment Using Time Series Himawari‐8 Sea Surface Temperature Data
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Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2020 125(10).
How do long-term patterns affect time-limited environmental monitoring programmes?
Lee R.S., Pritchard T.R.
Marine Pollution Bulletin. 1996 33(7-12). p.260
Contrasting oceanographic conditions and phytoplankton communities on the east and west coasts of Australia
Thompson P.A., Bonham P., Waite A.M., Clementson L.A., Cherukuru N., Hassler C., Doblin M.A.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 2011 58(5). p.645
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Brodie Stephanie, Hobday Alistair J., Smith James A., Everett Jason D., Taylor Matt D., Gray Charles A., Suthers Iain M.
Fisheries Oceanography. 2015 24(5). p.463
Nutrient enrichment off Port Stephens: the role of the East Australian Current
Oke Peter R., Middleton Jason H.
Continental Shelf Research. 2001 21(6-7). p.587
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Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 2011 58(5). p.538
Opportunistic Cyanobacteria in benthic microbial mats of a tropical lagoon, Tikehau Atoll, Tuamotu Archipelago: minor in natural populations, major in cultures.
Palińska Katarzyna A., Abed Raeid M. M., Wendt Katja, Charpy Loic, Łotocka Maria, Golubic Stjepko
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Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 2011 58(5). p.574
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Koop K, Pritchard T
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Biological properties across the Tasman Front off southeast Australia
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Demography and interannual variability of salp swarms (Thalia democratica)
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Seasonal variability in the continental shelf waters off southeastern Australia: Fact or fiction?
Wood J.E., Schaeffer A., Roughan M., Tate P.M.
Continental Shelf Research. 2016 112 p.92

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