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Comparative accumulation of Alkaline-earth metals by two freshwater Mussel species from the Nepean River, Australia: Consistences and a resolved Paradox

RA Jeffree, SJ Markich and PL Brown
44(4) pp.609 - 634

33 articles found in Crossref database.

Reservoir Ecotoxicology (2023)
Thodhal Yoganandham Suman, Pei De-Sheng
Absorption of divalent trace metals as analogues of calcium by Australian freshwater bivalves: an explanation of how water hardness reduces metal toxicity
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Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2017 36(3). p.709
Divalent metal accumulation in freshwater bivalves: an inverse relationship with metal phosphate solubility
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Science of The Total Environment. 2001 275(1-3). p.27
Osteoderms of Estuarine Crocodiles Record Their Enhanced Pb Exposure in Kakadu National Park
Twining John R., Markich Scott J., Prince Kathryn E., Jeffree Ross A.
Environmental Science & Technology. 1999 33(24). p.4396
Ionic regulation and shell mineralization in the bivalveAnodonta cygnea(swan mussel) following heavy-metal exposure
Lopes-Lima Manuel, Freitas Susana, Pereira Liliana, Gouveia Eugenia, Hinzmann Mariana, Checa Antonio, Machado Jorge
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Ecology and Evolution of the Freshwater Mussels Unionoida (2001)
Walker Keith F., Byrne Maria, Hickey Christopher W., Roper David S.
Water hardness determines 226 Ra uptake in the tropical freshwater mussel
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Calcium concretions in the interstitial tissues of the Australian freshwater mussel Hyridella depressa (Hyriidae)
Byrne Maria
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The aqueous chemistry of radium
Brown Paul L., Matyskin Artem V., Ekberg Christian
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McDevitt Bonnie, Geeza Thomas J., Gillikin David P., Warner Nathaniel R.
ACS ES&T Water. 2021 1(9). p.2046
Biological availability of traffic‐related platinum‐group elements (palladium, platinum, and rhodium) and other metals to the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in water containing road dust
Zimmermann Sonja, Alt Friedrich, Messerschmidt Jürgen, von Bohlen Alex, Taraschewski Horst, Sures Bernd
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2002 21(12). p.2713
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Piotrowski Paulina K., Tasker Travis L., Geeza Thomas J., McDevitt Bonnie, Gillikin David P., Warner Nathaniel R., Dorman Frank L.
Scientific Reports. 2020 10(1).
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Tropical Radioecology (2012)
Markich Scott J., Twining John R.
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Brown Paul L., Jeffree Ross A., Markich Scott J.
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Metal concentrations in the tissues of the hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus: Reflection of different metal sources
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Freshwater Bivalve Ecotoxicology (2006)
H. Van Hassel John, Farris Jerry
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Bollhöfer Andreas, Brazier Jenny, Humphrey Chris, Ryan Bruce, Esparon Andrew
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 2011 102(10). p.964
Trace Metal Biogeochemistry and Ecology of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Systems (2016)
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Bollhöfer Andreas
Applied Geochemistry. 2012 27(1). p.171
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Ryan Bruce, Bollhöfer Andreas, Martin Paul
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Freshwater Bivalve Shells as Archival Indicators of Metal Pollution from a Copper−Uranium Mine in Tropical Northern Australia
Markich Scott J., Jeffree Ross A., Burke Patrick T.
Environmental Science & Technology. 2002 36(5). p.821
Bioaccumulation of 137Cs and 85Sr by an Australian sub-tropical freshwater teleost (Bidyanus bidyanus)
Twining John R., Ferris John M., Markich Scott J.
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Disease and Disorders of Freshwater Unionid Mussels: A Brief Overview of Recent Studies
Carella Francesca, Villari Grazia, Maio Nicola, De Vico Gionata
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An ultrastructural and microanalytical study of metal-ion content in granular concretions of the freshwater mussel Hyridella depressa
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