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Capture and transportation of Elasmobranchs, with emphasis on the Grey Nurse Shark (Carcharias taurus)

MFL Smith
43(1) pp.325 - 343

32 articles found in Crossref database.

Removal of an Intracoelomic Hook via Laparotomy in a Sandbar Shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus)
Lécu Alexis, Herbert Renaud, Coulier Ludwig, Murray Michael J.
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 2011 42(2). p.256
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Otway N. M., Ellis M. T.
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Buckley Kathryn A., Crook David A., Pillans Richard D., Smith Liam, Kyne Peter M.
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 2018 28(1). p.137
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Functional Effects of the Use of Anesthetics on Teleostean Fishes (Review)
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Inland Water Biology. 2021 14(1). p.67
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Iranian Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. 2019 5(2). p.12
Hook‐shaped enterolith and secondary cachexia in a free‐living grey nurse shark (Carcharias taurus, Rafinesque 1810)
Otway Nicholas M., West Greg J., Gore Damian B., Williamson Jane E.
Veterinary Medicine and Science. 2021 7(1). p.240
Life Below Water (2020)
Correia João P. S.
The physiological status and mortality associated with otter-trawl capture, transport, and captivity of an exploited elasmobranch, Squalus acanthias
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Ultrasound‐guided sampling of the lateral abdominal vein in the grey nurse shark (Carcharias taurus, Rafinesque 1810)
Otway Nicholas
Veterinary Medicine and Science. 2020 6(3). p.579
Capture‐induced exertional rhabdomyolysis in the Shortfin Mako Shark, Isurus oxyrinchus
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Veterinary Clinical Pathology. 2020 49(1). p.23
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Teeth of Embryos in Lamniform Sharks (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii)
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Zoo Biology. 2008 27(3). p.234
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Otway Nicholas M.
Veterinary Clinical Pathology. 2015 44(2). p.262
Serological Changes Associated with Gill-Net Capture and Restraint in Three Species of Sharks
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Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 2001 130(6). p.1038
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Werry Jonathan M., Lee Shing Y., Lemckert Charles J., Otway Nicholas M., Fulton Christopher
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Cox Georgina K., Brill Richard W., Bonaro Kaitlin A., Farrell Anthony P.
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Zoo Biology. 2001 20(5). p.435
New depth records and novel feeding observations of three elasmobranchs species in the Eastern Red Sea
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Frontiers in Marine Science. 2023 10

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