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Endorheic versus karstic lakes: patterns of ostracod distributions and lake typology in a Mediterranean landscape (Castilla - La Mancha, Spain)

J. R. Roca, F. Mezquita, J. Rueda, A. Camacho and M. R. Miracle
51(4) pp.311 - 319

23 articles found in Crossref database.

Quantifying species–environment relationships in non-marine Ostracoda for ecological and palaeoecological studies: Examples using Iberian data
Mezquita F., Roca J.R., Reed J.M., Wansard G.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2005 225(1-4). p.93
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The Ostracoda: Applications in Quaternary Research (2002)
Smith Alison J., Horne David J.
Disentangling environmental, spatial, and historical effects on ostracod communities in shallow lakes
Castillo-Escrivà Andreu, Valls Luis, Rochera Carlos, Camacho Antonio, Mesquita-Joanes Francesc
Hydrobiologia. 2017 787(1). p.61
Climate change and human impact in central Spain during Roman times: High-resolution multi-proxy analysis of a tufa lake record (Somolinos, 1280m asl)
Currás A., Zamora L., Reed J.M., García-Soto E., Ferrero S., Armengol X., Mezquita-Joanes F., Marqués M.A., Riera S., Julià R.
CATENA. 2012 89(1). p.31
Spatial and environmental analysis of an ostracod metacommunity from endorheic lakes
Castillo-Escrivà Andreu, Valls Luis, Rochera Carlos, Camacho Antonio, Mesquita-Joanes Francesc
Aquatic Sciences. 2016 78(4). p.707
Ecological requirements of Ostracoda (Crustacea) in a heavily polluted shallow lake, Lake Yeniçağa (Bolu, Turkey)
Külköylüoğlu Okan, Dügel Muzaffer, Kılıç Mustafa
Hydrobiologia. 2007 585(1). p.119
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Habitat destruction in wetland affects Ostracoda (Crustacea) species occurrence patterns amid different aquatic habitats
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Multi-indicator conductivity transfer functions for Quaternary palaeoclimate reconstruction
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Journal of Paleolimnology. 2012 47(2). p.251
Recent podocopid ostracods from an alpine karst lake in Turkey
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Arid and humid phases in southern Spain during the last 4000 years: the Zoñar Lake record, Córdoba
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Metacommunity dynamics of Ostracoda in temporary lakes: Overall strong niche effects except at the onset of the flooding period
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Limnologica. 2017 62 p.104
La comunidad de ostrácodos en humedales del sudeste de la Península Ibérica
Gilbert Juan Diego, Ortega Fernando, Jiménez-Melero Raquel, Baltanás Ángel, Guerrero Francisco
Limnetica. 2023 42(2). p.1
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Keatings Kevin, Holmes Jonathan, Flower Roger, Horne David, Whittaker John E., Abu-Zied Ramadan H.
Hydrobiologia. 2010 654(1). p.155
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Distribution and community structure of Ostracoda (Crustacea) in shallow waterbodies of southern Kenya
Rumes B, Van der Meeren T, Martens K, Verschuren D
African Journal of Aquatic Science. 2016 41(4). p.377
Human-mediated dispersal of aquatic invertebrates with waterproof footwear
Valls Luis, Castillo-Escrivà Andreu, Mesquita-Joanes Francesc, Armengol Xavier
Ambio. 2016 45(1). p.99

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