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Marine and Freshwater Research Marine and Freshwater Research Society
Advances in the aquatic sciences

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A new technique for tagging abalone

JD Prince
42(1) pp.101 - 106

12 articles found in Crossref database.

Using growth band autofluorescence to investigate large-scale variation in growth of the abalone Haliotis midae
Proudfoot Lee-Anne, Kaehler Sven, McQuaid Christopher D.
Marine Biology. 2008 153(5). p.789
Generalised growth models for aquatic species with an application to blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra)
Lloyd-Jones Luke R., Wang You-Gan, Nash Warwick J.
Ecological Modelling. 2014 272 p.311
The barefoot ecologist goes fishing
Prince Jeremy D
Fish and Fisheries. 2003 4(4). p.359
Abalone I: Analyzing Mark‐Recapture‐Recovery Data Incorporating Growth and Delayed Recovery
Catchpole E. A., Freeman S. N., Morgan B. J. T., Nash W. J.
Biometrics. 2001 57(2). p.469
Development and validation of a SNP-based genotyping tool for pedigree establishment in Australian greenlip abalone Haliotis laevigata Donovan, 1808
Arbon Phoebe M., Silva Catarina N.S., Jones David B., Jaccoud Damian, Gervis Mark, Jerry Dean R., Strugnell Jan M.
Aquaculture Reports. 2021 20 p.100746
Studies on southern Australian abalone (genus Haliotis) XIV. Growth of H. laevigata on Eyre Peninsula
Shepherd S. A., Clarke S. M., Dalgetty A.
Journal of the Malacological Society of Australia. 1992 13(1). p.99
Marking hard‐shelled gastropods: tag loss, impact on life‐history traits, and perspectives in biology
Henry Pierre‐Yves, Jarne Philippe
Invertebrate Biology. 2007 126(2). p.138
Differences in abalone growth and morphology between locations with high and low food availability: morphologically fixed or plastic traits?
Saunders T. M., Connell S. D., Mayfield S.
Marine Biology. 2009 156(6). p.1255
Effect of tremata closures on the oxygen consumption rhythm of ezo abalone Haliotis discus hannai
Lee Jung Ah, Kim Jong Wook, Kim Wan Soo
Aquaculture. 2007 270(1-4). p.312
Comparison of Two External Tagging Methods Used for the Identification of Individual Adult Pacific Oysters,Crassostrea gigas
Evans Olivia, Hick Paul, Whittington Richard J.
Journal of Shellfish Research. 2016 35(4). p.837
Shell marking by artificial feeding of the tropical abalone Haliotis asinina Linne juveniles for sea ranching and stock enhancement
Gallardo Wenresti G, Bautista-Teruel Myrna N, Fermin Armando C, Marte Clarissa L
Aquaculture Research. 2003 34(10). p.839
Evaluation of Passive Integrated Transponders for Abalone: Tag Placement, Retention, and Effect on Survival
Hale J. R., Bouma J. V., Vadopalas B., Friedman C. S.
Journal of Shellfish Research. 2012 31(3). p.789

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