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Seasonal dynamics of production, and nutrient accumulation and cycling by Phragmites asutralis (Cav.) Trin. ex Stuedel in a nutrient-enriched swamp in Inland Australia. I. Whole Plants

P.J. Hocking
40(5) pp.421 - 444

76 articles found in Crossref database.

Temporal variations in the nitrogen content of Phragites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. from a shallow fertile lake
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Aquatic Botany. 1996 55(3). p.171
Rewetting in Mediterranean reclaimed peaty soils and its potential for phyto-treatment use
Giannini Vittoria, Bertacchi Andrea, Bonari Enrico, Silvestri Nicola
Journal of Environmental Management. 2018 208 p.92
Comparison between biomass and C, N, P, S contents of vigorous and die-back reed stands of Lake Fertő/Neusiedler See
Dinka Maria, Ágoston-Szabó Edit, Szeglet Peter
Biologia. 2010 65(2). p.237
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Vymazal Jan, Šveha Jaroslav
Hydrobiologia. 2012 692(1). p.131
Nutrient Removal Through Autumn Harvest ofPhragmites australisandThypha latifoliaShoots in Relation to Nutrient Loading in a Wetland System Used for Polishing Sewage Treatment Plant Effluent
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Effect of floods on the growth ofPhragmites japonicaon the sediment bar of regulated rivers: a modelling approach
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Seasonal transpiration pattern of Phragmites australis in a wetland of semi‐arid Spain
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Ecological Engineering. 2014 73 p.17
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Growth of Phragmites australis and Phalaris arundinacea in constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in the Czech Republic
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Eid Ebrahem M., Shaltout Kamal H., Al-Sodany Yassin M., Haroun Soliman A., Jensen Kai
Ecological Engineering. 2021 166 p.106244
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Biological Flora of the British Isles:Phragmites australis
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Ecological Engineering. 2014 73 p.53
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Phragmites australis and Typha orientalis in removal of pollutant in Taihu Lake, China
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The Effect of Summer Harvesting of Phragmites australis on Growth Characteristics and Rhizome Resource Storage
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Accumulation of heavy metals in aboveground biomass of Phragmites australis in horizontal flow constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment: A review
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Effects of abiotic conditions on Phragmites australis along geographic gradients in Lake Burullus, Egypt
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Estimating nitrogen budgets of Typha angustifolia by considering the regrowth shoot productivity and nitrogen content after harvesting aerial organs in different growing seasons
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Seasonal dynamics of resource translocation between the aboveground organs and age-specific rhizome segments of Phragmites australis
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Recolonisation by Spontaneous Vegetation of a Rewetted Peatland after Topsoil Removal: a Focus on Biomass Production and Nutrient Uptake
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Competitive effects of Phragmites australis on the endangered artesian spring endemic Eriocaulon carsonii
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Removal of nutrients in constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment through plant harvesting – Biomass and load matter the most
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Temporal Potential of Phragmites australis as a Phytoremediator to Remove Ni and Pb from Water and Sediment in Lake Burullus, Egypt
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