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Marine and Freshwater Research Marine and Freshwater Research Society
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Climatology of internal tides at a shelf-break location on the Australian North West Shelf

PE Hollaway
39(1) pp.1 - 18

12 articles found in Crossref database.

A regional model of the semidiurnal internal tide on the Australian North West Shelf
Holloway Peter E.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2001 106(C9). p.19625
Internal-Tide Spectroscopy and Prediction in the Timor Sea
Kelly Samuel M., Jones Nicole L., Ivey Gregory N., Lowe Ryan J.
Journal of Physical Oceanography. 2015 45(1). p.64
Leeuwin current observations on the Australian North West Shelf, May–June 1993
Holloway Peter E.
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 1995 42(3). p.285
Ekman transports, tidal mixing, and the control of temperature structure in Australia's northwest waters
Godfrey J. S., Mansbridge J. V.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2000 105(C10). p.24021
The importance of changing oceanography in controlling late Quaternary carbonate sedimentation on a high‐energy, tropical, oceanic ramp: north‐western Australia
James Noel P., Bone Yvonne, Kyser T. Kurtis, Dix George R., Collins Lindsay B.
Sedimentology. 2004 51(6). p.1179
The Response of a Strongly Stratified Fjord to Energetic Tidal Forcing
Allen G.L., Simpson J.H.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2002 55(4). p.629
Barotropic and baroclinic tides on the Sydney continental shelf
Gibbs Mark T., Middleton Jason H.
Continental Shelf Research. 1997 17(9). p.1005
On the flow, thermal field and winds along the western continental shelf of India
Antony M.K., Shenoi S.S.C.
Continental Shelf Research. 1993 13(4). p.425
A Coupled-Mode Shallow-Water Model for Tidal Analysis: Internal Tide Reflection and Refraction by the Gulf Stream
Kelly Samuel M., Lermusiaux Pierre F. J., Duda Timothy F., Haley Patrick J.
Journal of Physical Oceanography. 2016 46(12). p.3661
Variability of the semidiurnal internal tides observed on the Timor Shelf
Katsumata K., Wijffels S. E., Steinberg C. R., Brinkman R.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2010 115(C10).
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Saqab Muhammad M., Bourget Julien
Marine and Petroleum Geology. 2015 62 p.123
Modelling internal solitary waves on the Australian North West Shelf
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Marine and Freshwater Research. 2006 57(3). p.265

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