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Comparison of predictions of a numerical model and observations of tides in Bass Strait

CB Fandry, GD Hubbert and PC McIntosh
36(6) pp.737 - 752

20 articles found in Crossref database.

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Estimating present day extreme water level exceedance probabilities around the coastline of Australia: tides, extra-tropical storm surges and mean sea level
Haigh Ivan D., Wijeratne E. M. S., MacPherson Leigh R., Pattiaratchi Charitha B., Mason Matthew S., Crompton Ryan P., George Steve
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Towards a Tidal Farm in Banks Strait, Tasmania: Influence of Tidal Array on Hydrodynamics
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The potential for discovery of new submerged archaeological sites near the Dampier Archipelago, Western Australia
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Fluid transport through Bass Strait
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Transport timescales for identifying seasonal variation in Bass Strait, south-eastern Australia
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Tidal current resource assessment and study of turbine extraction effects in Banks Strait, Australia
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Comparison of tropical, carbonate and temperate, siliciclastic tidally dominated sedimentary deposits: Examples from the Australian continental shelf
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Carbonate sandwaves in Bass Strait
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