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Tides on the Australian north-west shelf

PE Holloway
34(1) pp.213 - 230

43 articles found in Crossref database.

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Near‐inertial ocean response to tropical cyclone forcing on the Australian North‐West Shelf
Rayson M. D., Ivey G. N., Jones N. L., Lowe R. J., Wake G. W., McConochie J. D.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2015 120(12). p.7722
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Tropical Cyclone‐Driven Sediment Dynamics Over the Australian North West Shelf
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Observations of Breaking Internal Tides on the Australian North West Shelf Edge
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Seifi Fardin, Filmer Mick
Continental Shelf Research. 2023 261 p.105013

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