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Marine and Freshwater Research Marine and Freshwater Research Society
Advances in the aquatic sciences

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Observations on the ecology of four species of the genus Paragalaxias (Pisces : Galaxiidae) from Tasmania

W Fulton
33(6) pp.999 - 1016

9 articles found in Crossref database.

Phylogenetic relationships and ecomorphological divergence in sympatric and allopatric species of Paragalaxias (Teleostei: Galaxiidae) in high elevation Tasmanian lakes
McDowall Robert M.
Environmental Biology of Fishes. 1998 53(3). p.235
Biology of the western minnow, Galaxias occidentalis Ogilby (Teleostei : Galaxiidae), in a south-western Australian river
Pen L. J., Potter I. C.
Hydrobiologia. 1991 211(2). p.77
An accessory lateral line in some New Zealand and Australian galaxiids (Teleostei: Galaxiidae)
McDowall R. M.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 1997 6(4). p.217
Status of galaxiid fishes in Tasmania, Australia: conservation listings, threats and management issues
Hardie Scott A., Jackson Jean E., Barmuta Leon A., White Robert W.G.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2006 16(3). p.235
Crying wolf, crying foul, or crying shame: alien salmonids and a biodiversity crisis in the southern cool-temperate galaxioid fishes?
McDowall R. M.
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 2006 16(3-4). p.233
Comparison of Day and Night Fyke Netting, Electrofishing and Snorkelling for Monitoring a Population of the Threatened Golden Galaxias (Galaxias auratus)
Hardie Scott A., Barmuta Leon A., White Robert W. G.
Hydrobiologia. 2006 560(1). p.145
Reproductive biology of the threatened golden galaxias Galaxias auratus Johnston and the influence of lake hydrology
Hardie S. A, White R. W. G, Barmuta L. A
Journal of Fish Biology. 2007 71(6). p.1820
Biology of the western minnow, Galaxias occidentalis Ogilby (Teleostei : Galaxiidae), in a south-western Australian river
Pen L. J., Potter I. C.
Hydrobiologia. 1991 211(2). p.89
Limnology in Australia (1986)
Pollard D. A., Burchmore J. J.

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