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Marine and Freshwater Research Marine and Freshwater Research Society
Advances in the aquatic sciences

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Population dynamics and feeding ecology of juvenile Australian salmon (Arripis trutta) in Westren Port, Victoria

AI Robertson
33(2) pp.369 - 375

12 articles found in Crossref database.

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Variability in the numbers of post-settlement King George whiting (Sillaginidae: Sillaginodes punctata, Cuvier) in relation to predation, habitat complexity and artificial cage structure
Hindell Jeremy S, Jenkins Gregory P, Keough Michael J
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2002 268(1). p.13
Evaluating the impact of predation by fish on the assemblage structure of fishes associated with seagrass (Heterozostera tasmanica) (Martens ex Ascherson) den Hartog, and unvegetated sand habitats
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A review of ecological studies on seagrass—fish communities, with particular reference to recent studies in Australia
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