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Satellite observations of internal waves on the Australian north-west shelf

PG Baines
32(3) pp.457 - 463

24 articles found in Crossref database.

A Variety of Transformations of Nonlinear Internal Tidal Waves of the Northwestern Shelf of Australia
Holloway P. E., Serebryany A. N.
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The enigma of rare Quaternary oolites in the Indian and Pacific Oceans: A result of global oceanographic physicochemical conditions or a sampling bias?
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Quaternary Science Reviews. 2018 200 p.114
Physical mechanisms driving biological accumulation in surface lines on coastal Hawaiian waters
Smith Katharine A., Whitney Jonathan L., McManus Margret A., Lecky Joey, Copeland Adrienne, Kobayashi Donald R., Gove Jamison M.
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Drilling 1100-km-long seafloor ridges reveals how palaeoshorelines control carbonate shelf morphologies (North West Shelf, Australia)
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Quaternary Science Reviews. 2023 312 p.108164
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A regional model of the semidiurnal internal tide on the Australian North West Shelf
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Observations of bottom intensification of temperature and velocity fluctuations induced by oblique tidal interactions with a slope
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Modelling internal solitary waves on the Australian North West Shelf
Grimshaw Roger, Pelinovsky Efim, Stepanyants Yury, Talipova Tatiana
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2006 57(3). p.265
Morphology and distribution of submerged palaeoshorelines: Insights from the North West Shelf of Australia
Lebrec Ulysse, Riera Rosine, Paumard Victorien, O'Leary Michael J., Lang Simon C.
Earth-Science Reviews. 2022 224 p.103864
Three‐dimensional seismic analysis of sediment waves and related geomorphological features on a carbonate shelf exposed to large amplitude internal waves, Browse Basin region, Australia
Belde Johannes, Back Stefan, Reuning Lars, Eberli Gregor
Sedimentology. 2015 62(1). p.87

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